MEMBERS extension

MEMBERS is an extension to GROUP BY that allows grouping by the members of a set.

MEMBERS lets you group by multi-assign attributes. Keep in mind that when grouping by a multi-assign attribute, all rows are preserved (including those with no assignments for the attribute).

MEMBERS syntax

MEMBERS appears in the GROUP BY clause, using this syntax:
GROUP BY MEMBERS(<set>) AS <alias> [,MEMBERS(<set2>) AS <alias2>]*
  • set is a set of any set data type (such as mdex:string-set or mdex:long-set) and must be an attribute reference. For example, set can be a multi-assign string attribute from a given collection.

    If LET is not used, then MEMBERS can only refer to attributes from the source statements or from a collection (i.e., cannot be locally defined). If LET is used, then MEMBERS can refer to attributes defined in the same statement, as long as those attributes are defined in a LET clause, not a SELECT clause.

  • alias is an aliased name, which must be NCName-compliant. In statement results, the aliased name has the same data type as the elements of the set.

As the syntax shows, EQL supports grouping by the members of multiple sets simultaneously. To do this, simply include multiple MEMBERS clauses in a GROUP list.

The MEMBERS form is available in grouping sets, with surface syntax like:
GROUP BY ROLLUP(a, b, MEMBERS(c) AS cValue, d)

Note that grouping by the members of a set is available in any statement, not just those over a collection (because EQL preserves all values in a set across statement boundaries).

MEMBERS data type error message

If an attempt is made to use a single-assign attribute as an argument to MEMBERS, an error message is returned similar to this example:
Argument to MEMBERS has type mdex:double; only set types are permitted.

In this error example, MEMBERS was used with a single-assign double attribute (mdex:double), instead of a multi-assign double attribute (mdex:double-set).

MEMBERS examples

Assume a small data set of 25 records, with each record having zero, one, or two assignments from the Body multi-assign attribute. WineID is a single-assign attribute and is the key for the Wine collection. This sample query is made:
  SET(WineID) AS IDs
FROM WineState
The result of this statement might be:
IDs                                          bodyType
| { 14, 15 }                                | Supple  |
| { 22, 25 }                                | Firm    |
| { 19 }                                    | Fresh   |
| { 11, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 4, 6, 8 }       | Robust  |
| { 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 18, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 } | Tannins |
| { 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 3, 5, 7, 9 }        | Silky   |
| { 1, 17, 2, 20, 21 }                      |         |

In the results, note that several records contribute to multiple buckets, because they have two Body assignments. The last five records in the result have no assignments for the Body attribute, but they are not discarded during the grouping and are thus listed with bodyType being NULL. (Note that using WineID allows you to look at the values in the IDs sets to determine exactly which input rows contributed to which output rows. For example, Record 4 contributes to both Robust and Tannins; Record 14 only contributes to Supple; and Record 16 contributes to Tannins and Silky.)

This second example shows how to group by the members of multiple sets simultaneously. The Body and Score multi-assign attributes are used in the query, as is the WineType single-assign attribute:
  SET(WineID) as IDs
FROM WineState
WHERE WineType = 'White'
GROUP BY MEMBERS(Body) AS bodyType, MEMBERS(Score) AS scoreValue
The result of this query might be:
IDs      bodyType  scoreValue
| { 25 } | Firm   | 82 |
| { 25 } | Firm   | 84 |
| { 19 } | Fresh  | 88 |
| { 25 } | Robust | 82 |
| { 25 } | Robust | 84 |
| { 19 } | Robust | 88 |
| { 20 } |        | 71 |
| { 20 } |        | 75 |
| { 21 } |        | 87 |
| { 21 } |        | 89 |

Note that the record with WineID=25 contributes to four buckets, corresponding to the cross product of { Firm, Robust } and { 82, 84 }. Records 20 and 21 have assignments for the Score attribute but have no assignments for the Body attribute, and are listed with bodyType being NULL and scoreValue having values.

Note on MEMBERS interaction with GROUPING SETS

You should be aware that grouping by set members may interact with GROUPING SETS (including CUBE and ROLLUP) to produce results that at first glance may seem unexpected.

For example, first we make a query that groups only by the ROLLUP extension:
  SUM(Price) AS totalPrice
FROM WineState
The result with our data set is:
WineType          totalPrice
| Blanc de Noirs  |  16.99 |
| Brut            |  46.98 |
| Zinfandel       |        |
| Merlot          |  25.99 |
| Bordeaux        |  21.99 |
| Chardonnay      |  52.90 |
| White           |  97.97 |
| Pinot Noir      |  14.99 |
| Red             | 142.34 |
|                 | 420.15 |

We get one row for each WineType, and one summary row at the bottom, which includes records from all of the WineType values. Because SUM is associative, the expected behavior is that the totalPrice summary row will be equal to the sum of the totalPrice values for all other rows, and in fact the 420.15 result meets that expectation. (Note that the total for White wines is 97.97.)

Then we make a similar query, but selecting only the White wines and grouping with MEMBERS and ROLLUP:
  SUM(Price) AS totalPrice
FROM WineState
WHERE WineType = 'White'
GROUP BY ROLLUP(WineType, MEMBERS(Body) AS bodyType)
The result from this second query is:
WineType bodyType totalPrice
| White | Firm   | 43.99 |
| White | Fresh  | 20.99 |
| White | Robust | 64.98 |
| White |        | 32.99 |
| White |        | 97.97 |
|       |        | 97.97 |

The results show that the correspondence between the summary row and the individual rows is not as expected. One might expect the totalPrice for the 'White' summary row (that is, the row where WineType is White and bodyType is null) to be the sum of the total prices for the (White, Firm), (White, Fresh), and (White, Robust) rows above it.

However, if you add the total prices for the first four rows, you get 162.95, rather than the expected value of 97.97. This discrepancy arises because, when you group by the members of a set, a row can contribute to multiple buckets. In particular, Record 19 has two Body assignments (Fresh and Robust) and therefore contributes to both the (White, Fresh) and (White, Robust) rows, and so its price is in effect double-counted.

EQL effectively computes the 'White' summary row, however, by grouping by WineType (which is a single-assign attribute), so each input row counts exactly once.