What's new in the service?

This topic describes the new features in the Big Data Discovery Cloud Service.

  • The Maintenance tab of the Administration page for the service console is ready and currently empty. It will list future patches. To apply patches for moving to this release, see Patching the service.
  • Validation for Studio's Administrator password is improved. The password must be between 8 and 30 characters, with at least one lower case letter, one upper case letter, one number and one special character (_, -, !, @, #, $, ^, (), [], {}, :, +, ~), and cannot be an ordinary word.
  • The logic for handling error messages has been improved. The software now recognizes these categories of error messages: general information, general error, and operational error. General information messages are cleared once you refresh the page, or perform any actions in the console. General errors are cleared when you refresh the page, or go to another page in the console. You can also close the general error messages. Operational error messages persist at the top of the page until you start a new operation, such as start, stop, or back up, or until the new operation succeeds.
  • You can update Hadoop credentials in the Big Data Discovery Cloud Service console. This is useful when you have previously changed them in Cloudera Manager. In the previous release, you could only update Studio and WebLogic Server credentials in the service console.
  • If the Big Data Cloud Service cluster hosting the Big Data Discovery Cloud Service instance has been expanded to include more nodes, this is reflected in the number of nodes shown in Overview on the service's console. No user interaction is required.

In addition, for information on what is new in Big Data Discovery (on-premises implementation), see New and updated features.