The Overview page

Use the Overview page to view the current status of your BDDCS instance, obtain the host name of the BDCS node that is hosting your BDDCS instance, and check subscription ID, service start and stop dates.

Overview always shows up by default, when you successfully provision your BDDCS instance.

The page indicates the date and time when it was last refreshed. Click icon for refreshing the page to refresh the page. If you run any life cycle operations, such as start, stop, enable an instance, or take a backup, the page refreshes automatically every 5 seconds to indicate the most recent status of the operation that is being run.

Element Description and contents
Oracle CLOUD MyServices Shows the service that is currently open. Includes:
  • The currently logged in user
  • The domain in which the service is running
  • The expandable arrow for Help, Accessibility, the About information, and a link to Sign Out.
Big Data Discovery Cloud Service The heading for this service. If you expand it, it may show, for example:
Service Name:my-instance-1905
Expires:25 Apr 2017 03:36 PM GMT
the icon for life cycle operations The icon for accessing life cycle operations for the service:
  • Open BDDCS Studio
  • Stop the service and restart it
  • Delete the instance
  • Update credentials for WebLogic Server Administrator, Studio and Hadoop.
  • Reset and re-enable the service (displayed only if provisioning fails).
Open BDDCS Studio The Open BDDCS Studio link. Studio is the front-end application for Big Data Discovery Cloud Service, where you see your source data, explore it, transform it, and create visualizations.
Overview The link to Overview (this page). It is already opened.
Administration The link to the Administration page for running and configuring backups and applying a patch.
Service Status The Service Status can be one of the following: Up, Down, Enabling, Backing up, Disabling, Stopping, Stopped, or Enable Failed, Unknown.

If the service is running, the time since the service is up is also listed.

if you are recovering from an error and Oracle Cloud Support has been helping you, then even if the system may be back up again, you may still see the error displayed on your screen. The system status supersedes the error message you may still observe. To recover, stop and restart the instance (do not use Reset).

If the status is Unknown, the Overview page does not show provisioned users, versions of BDCS and BDDCS, and the time since the service was up. Action items in the life cycle operations menu are also not available. The Unknown status displays when a communication problem occurs due to a network issue, or a missing response from the BDCS cluster nodes. To get out of the Unknown state, click the refresh icon for refreshing the page icon. If the problem is transient, the BDDCS instance recovers. If the problem persists, contact Oracle Cloud Support.
Provisioned Users The number or licensed users for this BDDCS instance.
Licensed Users The number of users currently provisioned for this instance.
BDD Nodes The number of BDD nodes. In this release, BDDCS runs on a single node. This is the BDDCS node in the Big Data Cloud Service (BDCS) cluster.
Total BDA Nodes The total number of licensed BDCS nodes. These are Hadoop nodes in the BDCS cluster.
icon for refreshing the page The icon for the date and time of the last refresh operation for the service. The page refreshes every 5 seconds, or you can refresh it by clicking this icon.
BDD Nodes The details of BDD nodes.
Includes the hostname of the BDCS node hosting the BDDCS instance. You use this hostname to access the hosting node in BDCS cluster, restore, and apply a patch to your BDDCS instance. For example:
Version: 1.2.x.x.x
If the number of nodes changes (due to adding more Hadoop nodes to the Big Data Cloud Service cluster), the overview page reflects that. For information on adding more nodes in the Big Data Cloud Service cluster, see Adding Nodes to a Cluster.
Big Data Cloud Service Instance The details of the Big Data Cloud Service Instance, such as the cluster name, and the version of the BDCS software.For example:
Version: 4.4.x
Nodes: 6
Additional Information Additional information. Includes the name of your Oracle Cloud plan, the start and end dates of your service, the subscription ID and the order ID. For example:
Plan: Big Data Discovery Cloud Service
Service Start: 21 December 2015 03:36 PM GMT
Service End:   21 December 2016 03:36 PM GMT
Subscription ID: 123456789
Order ID: 5071999