Deleting an instance

When you delete an instance, an automatic backup of your configuration is created and your configuration is removed.

If your subscription is valid, you can create a new BDDCS instance at any time after you delete an old one. To create a new instance, re-enable it, and then restore your configuration from backup.

Here are the actions that take place when you delete the BDDCS instance:
  • An automatic backup of your BDDCS index files is created. If you later re-enable and start a new BDDCS instance within this BDDCS account, you can run the restore script with this backup.
  • All internal files related to BDDCS are removed from the hosting BDCS node. The data bases (indexes) produced by the Dgraph and the Studio database files are removed. This means that Studio projects are deleted from Studio. The Hive and AVRO files are not removed on the Oracle Cloud Storage. Remember that these might be the files that BDDCS creates, when it creates data sets.

  • If you provision a new instance after deleting this instance, before you run DP CLI, examine your Hive tables and clean any that you don't want to be re-provisioned when you run the DP CLI. For example, if you see any files created by BDDCS automatically from previous runs of a BDDCS instance, remove them.
  • Files uploaded into BDDCS via a personal data upload in Studio are saved by BDDCS in HDFS running on the BDCS cluster instance. These files are not removed. You should remove them. If you later start a new BDDCS instance, you can load these files into Studio again if needed, using the Data Processing CLI.

You do not need to stop the instance before deleting it.

To delete a BDDCS instance:

  1. Go to the BDDCS console in Cloud Services, and locate the life cycle operations icon: This is the icon for lifecycle operations
  2. Select Delete Instance.
    The warning message displays:
    You are about to delete the BDDCS instance. 
    This will remove all BDDCS software components 
    from the BDD node but will not remove any data 
    from the BDCS cluster. Are you sure you want to 
    delete the BDDCS instance <instance-name>?
  3. Click OK to delete an instance.
    When the instance is deleted, Oracle Cloud Services runs a backup procedure, and starts disabling the instance. The Overview page first shows the status Disabling, and then returns you to the first step of the provisioning wizard where you can re-provision a new BDDCS instance, using the same BDDCS account if your subscription is valid.