Zooming on Parent Members in Grids

Zoom allows you to expand a row or column parent member to see its children, descendants or bottom level members when you preview a report in HTML.

When you design a grid, you can enable three types of zoom for end-users:

  • You can enable zooming on the entire grid, which enables all parent members to be zoomed into.

  • You can enable zooming on specific row or column segments in a grid.

  • You can enable ad hoc zooming, which allows end users to decide which members they want to be able to zoom into.

You can display zoomed in members either before or after the parent member in the grid by setting the Zoom Before grid property. See Grid-level Zooming. You can also set conditional formatting, text and suppression on specific zoom levels to format or suppress different levels of a hierarchy. For example, you can display the bottom level members in bold text in your grid. See Working with Conditional Formatting, Text, and Suppression.

screenshot shows a grid with members and zoom in and zoom out icons

Some considerations when using zoom:

  • If you define grid sorting for a parent member in the rows or columns where zoom is enabled, the sort will be applied to any zoomed members for each zoom level.

  • You cannot zoom in snapshot reports.

  • If you insert a Reports that contains a grid with zoom enabled into a report package, it is inserted as a reference doclet and zoom is disabled. As a best practice, you should design grids for reference doclets to display the members that you want in the report package without relying on zoom to display members under a parent.

  • The zooming interaction is not available in PDF previewing. However, if you zoom a grid in HTML preview and then switch to PDF, the zoomed members will be retained and displayed.

  • Zoom cannot be defined in reports with grouping.

  • Suppress Missing Blocks with Zoom enabled on column segments is not supported.

Watch this tutorial video, you’ll learn how to zoom on parent members in report grids in Narrative Reporting.

video icon -- Zooming on Parent Members in Grids.

Zoom allows you to expand a row or column parent member in a grid to see its children, descendants, or bottom level members. When you design a grid, you can enable three types of zoom for end-users: zooming on the entire grid, which enables zoom for all parent members; zooming on specific row or column segments in a grid; and Ad hoc zooming, which allows end users to pick parent members for zooming.