11 Configuring the WebLogic Keystore Provider

This chapter explains how to configure the WebLogic 12.1.3 Keystore provider.


The WebLogic Keystore provider is deprecated. It is only supported for backward compatibility. Use JKS keystore instead. All of the functionality that was supported by the WebLogic Keystore provider is available through use of JKS keystore.

For more information about configuring the WebLogic Keystore provider, see "Configure keystores" in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.

Configuring Keys and Certificates Stored in a File or JKS Keystore
Accessed by the WebLogic Keystore Provider

For the purpose of backward compatibility, private keys and trusted CA certificates can be stored in a file or in a JKS keystore accessed via the WebLogic Keystore provider. In addition, trusted CA certificates can be stored in a JKS keystore. Use the Configuration > SSL page of the WebLogic Server Administration Console to specify identity and trust options when using a file or a JKS keystore accessed via the WebLogic Keystore provider.