1 Administration

This chapter describes how to use the Change Center in Fusion Middleware Control 12.1.3. It also describes how to use Fusion Middleware Control to record WLST scripts and customize table views and provides information about users and roles as well as how to access the help in the console.

This chapter includes the following sections:

Using Fusion Middleware Control help

From the user profile menu at the top of the page, select Help to access more information about a particular console page or attribute. Select Help for This Page for detailed information about the attributes on the current page. Select How Do I? for task-based help for the current page.

Use the Change Center

The Change Center provides a way to lock a domain configuration so you can make changes to the configuration while preventing other accounts from making changes during your edit session.

When locking is enabled, you start the edit process by obtaining a lock. When you finish making changes, you save the changes. The changes do not take effect, however, until you activate them, distributing them to all server instances in the domain.

To make any changes to Oracle WebLogic Server using Fusion Middleware Control:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Changes, then select Lock & Edit to lock the editable configuration hierarchy for the domain.

    This enables you to make changes using Fusion Middleware Control.

  3. Make the changes you desire on the relevant pages within Fusion Middleware Control and click Save on each page where you make a change.

  4. When you have finished making all desired changes, return to the Change Center and select Changes, then select Activate Changes.

For more information, see Configuration Options.

After you finish

Some changes you make in Fusion Middleware Control take place immediately when you activate them. Other changes require you to restart the server affected by the change. See View pending changes.

View pending changes

To view changes that you have saved, but which have not yet taken effect:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Changes, then select either View Change List or View Restart Checklist.

    The Change List or Restart Checklist page is displayed.

  3. From the Change List page, you can view all changes that have been saved, but not yet activated.

  4. From the Restart Checklist page, you can view all server instances that must be restarted for configuration changes to take effect.

    To restart a server:

    In the Restart Checklist table, select the row of the server you want to restart.

    Click Restarts.

  5. Click Done.

Enable and disable the domain configuration lock

The Change Center provides a way to lock a domain configuration so you can make changes to the configuration while preventing other accounts from making changes during your edit session.

To enable or disable the domain configuration locking feature in a development domain:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Changes, then select Preferences.

    The Change Center Preferences page is displayed.

  3. From the Change Center Preference page, select or clear the Auto-Commit Mode (Automatically Acquire Lock and Activate Changes) field to enable or disable this feature.

  4. Click OK.

To verify that domain configuration locking is enabled:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Changes, then locate Auto-Commit Mode.

  3. If a blue checkmark appears next to Auto-Commit Mode, the domain configuration lock is enabled.

  4. If there is no checkmark, select Auto-Commit Mode to enable the domain configuration lock.

    A confirmation message is displayed on the page.

After you finish

When you enable domain configuration locking, you must use the Change Center to unlock and edit the domain configuration. See Use the Change Center.

Release the configuration lock

When you select Lock & Edit in the Change Center, you obtain a lock on the editable configuration hierarchy which prevents other people from making changes until you release the configuration lock.

To release the configuration lock:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Changes, then select one of the following options:

    • To release the lock explicitly before you make any changes, select Release Configuration.

    • To release the lock implicitly after you save any changes, select Activate Changes or Undo All Changes.

      A confirmation message is displayed on the page indicating the configuration lock has been released.

Set Change Center preferences

You can specify individual Change Center preferences.

To specify preferences for the Change Center:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Changes, then select Preferences.

    The Change Center Preferences page is displayed.

  3. From the Change Center Preference page, you can specify the following options:

    • Activation Timeout

    • Warn User Before Taking Lock

    • Auto-Commit Mode (Automatically Acquire Lock and Activate Changes)

    • Management Operation Timeout

  4. Click OK.

    A confirmation message is displayed on the page.

Record WLST scripts

To help automate the task of configuring a domain, you can record your configuration actions in Fusion Middleware Control as a series of WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands and then use WLST to replay the commands.

WLST is a command-line scripting environment that you can use to create, manage, and monitor WebLogic Server domains.

You cannot record WLST commands for the following:

  • Changes to the security data that is maintained by a security provider. For example, you cannot record the commands to add or remove users, roles, and policies.

  • Changes to deployment plans.

  • Deployment operations: deploy, redeploy, undeploy, start, stop.

  • Runtime operations found on Control or Monitoring pages, such as starting and stopping applications or server instances.

For more information, see Configuration Options.

This section includes the following tasks:

Start WLST recording

You can only record actions that modify a domain's configuration document. See Record WLST scripts.

To start recording your Fusion Middleware Control actions as WLST commands:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Recording, then select Start Recording.

    A confirmation message is displayed on the page.

After you finish

Fusion Middleware Control starts recording all actions that change the domain's configuration. As it records each command, it writes the command to the script file that you specified in your recording preferences. See Set WLST recording preferences.

Stop WLST recording

To stop recording your Fusion Middleware Control actions as WLST commands:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Recording, then select Stop Recording.

    A confirmation message is displayed on the page indicating that Fusion Middleware Control has stopped recording your actions.

View recorded commands

To view the commands that have been recorded in your script file:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Recording, then select View Recording.

    The View Recording page shows the commands that have been recorded into the script file in the current and previous recording sessions.

    You cannot edit the commands that are displayed on this page. Instead, you can use a text editor to edit the commands in the script file.

  3. Click OK.

Set WLST recording preferences

You can specify individual preferences for WLST recording.

To set preferences for recording WLST scripts:

  1. Locate the Change Center above the Target Navigation pane.

  2. Select Recording, then select Preferences.

    The Set Preferences for WLST Recording page is displayed.

  3. From the Set Preferences for WLST Recording page, you can specify the following options:

    • Base Script Directory

    • Script File Name

    • Append to File

    • Prompt Before Start Recording

    • Generate Prescript and Postscript

    • Prescript Text

    • Postscript Text

  4. Click OK.

Customize table views

You can customize tables in Fusion Middleware Control by sorting and filtering the data displayed and managing columns.

To customize a table view:

  1. To add or remove table columns:

    1. Above the table, select View, then select Manage Columns.

    2. Add columns to display by moving them from the list of Hidden Columns (on the left) to Visible Columns (on the right).

    3. Remove columns displayed by moving them from the list of Visible Columns to the list of Hidden Columns.

    4. Click OK.

  2. To reorder table columns:

    1. Above the table, select View, then select Reorder Columns.

    2. Select a column and use the arrows on the right to reorder the columns.

    3. Click OK.

  3. To filter the data that appears in a table:

    1. Select the column for which you want to filter data.

    2. Above the column, specify filtering criteria in the text box.


      Some columns provide a dropdown menu with filtering criteria instead of a text box.

      The table displays only the filtered data. Click the eraser icon to remove all filters.

  4. To sort the data that appears in a table:

    1. Above the table, select View, then select Sort.

    2. Select Advanced.

    3. From the Advanced Sort page, you can sort individual columns by ascending or descending order.

    4. Click OK.

Users and roles

You must have the appropriate role to access Fusion Middleware Control. As of Fusion Middleware Control 12.1.3, the deployer role is now supported. For more information on these roles and their privileges, see "Understanding Users and Roles for Fusion Middleware Control" in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.