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Configure ONS client parameters

Before you begin

Additional configuration may be required to support Oracle client parameters, see Using GridLink Data Sources.

To configure ONS client parameters:

  1. If you have not already done so, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Lock & Edit (see Use the Change Center).
  2. In the Domain Structure tree, expand Services, then select Data Sources.
  3. On the Summary of Data Sources page, click the data source name.
  4. Select the Configuration: ONS tab.
  5. On the ONS Client Configuration page, define general configuration options for ONS client:

    Select Fan Enabled to subscribe to and process Oracle FAN events.

    ONS Nodes - Provide a comma-separate list of ONS daemon listen addresses and ports for receiving ONS-based FAN events. If you are using an Oracle 12c database with WebLogic Server release12.1.2 and higher, you are no longer required to provide the ONS Listener list. The ONS list is automatically provided from the database to the driver.

    Optionally, to communicate with ONS daemons using SSL, configure a wallet file. See Configure SSL for the ONS client using a Oracle wallet file.

  6. Click Save.
  7. To activate these changes, in the Change Center of the Administration Console, click Activate Changes.
    Not all changes take effect immediately—some require a restart (see Use the Change Center).

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