psm accs push

This command creates, or deploys, an Oracle Application Container Cloud Service application.

When you run a command-line operation, a job ID is included in the response. You can use this job ID to check the status of the operation using psm accs operation-status. For example, you can display the status of a push operation to verify that an application has been created or updated successfully.


The syntax of this command appears on multiple lines for clarity. When you use this command, it must be on one line only.

psm accs push 
-n|--name app-name 
[-i|--notification-email email] 
[-r|--runtime java|node] 
[-s|--subscription hourly|monthly] 
[-m|--manifest file-name] 
[-d|--deployment file-name] 
[-u|--archive-url app-name/zip-file-name] 
[-o|--mode rolling] 
[-e|--repository dockerhub] 
[-t|--notes "comments"] 
[-a|--auth-type oauth] 
[-p|--archive-path path] 
[-re|--region "region-where-application-needs-to-be-provisioned"] 
[-ad|--availability-domain "availability-domain-where-the-application-needs-to-be-provisioned"] 
[-su|--subnet "availability-domain-where-the-application-needs-to-be-provisioned"] 
[-lb|--lblsubnet "subnet-where-the-application-needs-to-be-provisioned"] 
[-tg|--tags [{"key": "owner", "value": "Some owner"}]]
[-of|--output-format json|html|short]


All parameters are required unless otherwise noted.

Parameter Description
-n, ––name Name of the application.
-i, ––notification-email (Optional) Email address to which application deployment status updates are sent.
-r, ––runtime (Optional) Runtime environment: java (the default), javaee, node, php, python, ruby, golang, or dotnet.
-s, ––subscription (Optional) Metered subscription, either hourly or monthly. The default is hourly. Ignored for a non-metered subscription.
-m, ––manifest (Optional) Path to the manifest.json file. Required if this file is not included with the application. See Creating Metadata Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
-d, ––deployment (Optional) Path to the deployment.json file. See Creating Metadata Files in Developing for Oracle Application Container Cloud Service.
-u, ––archive-url (Optional) URL that locates the application archive in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic. Includes the name of the application in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic and the name of the ZIP file that was uploaded to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic.
-g, ––gitRepoUrl (Optional) URL of your GitHub repository.
-o, ––mode (Optional) Restart mode for application instances. The only allowed value is rolling for a rolling restart. Omit this parameter for a concurrent restart.
-e, ––repository (Optional) Repository of the application. The only allowed value is dockerhub.
-t, ––notes (Optional) Notes about the deployment.
-a, ––auth-type (Optional) Select the type of authentication for a Java SE 7 or 8, Node.js, or PHP application:
  • basic — Prompts for a username and password set up in Oracle Identity Cloud Service.

  • oauth — Creates a corresponding application in Oracle Identity Cloud Service to control who can access your application, and redirects to Oracle Identity Cloud Service for authentication.

-p, ––archive-path (Optional) Fully qualified archive file or directory path for the application in the local file system. A directory path is automatically zipped before being uploaded. Recommended for archives with sizes of up to 250 MB. For archives with sizes greater than 250 MB, uploading the archive to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic and using the ––archive-url parameter is recommended. Either this parameter or ––archive-url is required.
-re, ––region (Required only on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) Name of the region where the application is to be provisioned.
-ad, ––availability-domain (Required only on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) Name of a data center location in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region that is specified in region. A region is a localized geographic area, composed of one or more availability domains (data centers).
-su, ––subnet (Required only on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) A subdivision of a cloud network that is set up in the data center as specified in availabilityDomain. This attribute is available only on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
-tg, ––tags (Optional) Specify tags in json format for the application.
-lb, ––lbsubnet (Required only on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) Two comma separated load balancer subnets.

-of|--output-format json|html|short

(Optional) Specifies the output format of the command’s response:

  • json—output is formatted as a JSON array.

  • html—output is formatted as HTML

  • short—output is formatted as a brief summary.

The default output format is the one you specified when using the psm setup command to configure the psm CLI.


The following command deploys a Java application with an hourly subscription and references manifest.json and deployment.json files.

$ psm accs push -n ExampleApp -r java -s hourly -m /home/manifest.json -d /home/deployment.json -p /home/

The following command deploys a Node application with a monthly subscription, includes the manifest.json file in the .zip file, includes a comment, and sets the output format to HTML.

$ psm accs push -n ExampleNodeApp -r node -s monthly -p /samples/ -t "beta 2" -of html

The following command deploys a Java application from a GitHub repository.

$ psm accs push -n MyJavaApp -r java -g -m /home/manifest.json -d /home/deployment.json 

The following command deploys the employees-app sample application with a monthly subscription. The response from the command-line interface is also displayed.

$ psm accs push -n employees-app -s monthly -u employees-app/
    "currentOngoingActivity":"Deploying Release",

More Information

Creating an Application in Using Oracle Application Container Cloud Service