Contact Washing Machine app

The Contact Washing Machine enables cleansing of contact fields. You are able to define one or more contact fields as inputs, then run actions such as trim, concatenate, adjust case (propercase or lowercase), and perform lookups to populate fields. The data can then be mapped back to that same field or a separate field. Keeping data clean improves the accuracy of scoring, segmentation, and personalization.

An image of a campaign using the Contact Washing Machine app.

You can manage user permissions on this app by following the instructions listed here.

Important: The outcome of your Contact Washing Machine configuration will update your contact data. You can test your Contact Washing Machine app before running it on your campaign or program. You can preserve the data in the source contact fields by specifying separate destination fields.

Next steps

Installing the Contact Washing Machine app

Cleansing contact data

Testing your Contact Washing Machine app configuration

Adding a custom lookup table

Learn more

Contact Washing Machine actions

Oracle Eloqua AppCloud apps

Knowledge Base: Introduction to Data Priority in Eloqua

Contact Washing Machine app