Viewing contact field population details

You can view the population details of a specific Contact Field for a group of Contacts.

To view contact field population details:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..

  2. Click Fields & Views in the Database Setup area.

  3. Expand the Contact Fields list under the Fields tab.

  4. Select a contact field and click View. A window opens displaying the population details for that field.

    Note: If there are a very large number of details for the field (over 1000), you may see a message.
    An image of a message that reads 'this field has more than 1000 unique values, and is unsuitable for this view.'

  5. In the Contact Field drop-down list, select a field you want to view.
  6. Click Preview.

All values for that contact field are displayed.

An image of the Contact Field list.

Learn more

Contact fields

Contact field definitions

Creating contact fields

Deleting contact fields

Editing contact fields

Restricting contact fields from web data lookups