Creating data type formats

A number of default data type formats are provided in the application, but you can create additional Date or Numeric formats for specific purposes. This process is based on combining the building blocks and additional symbols and punctuation as required. The purpose for each building block for a specific data type format is identified in the Legend.

To create a Date/Time data type format:

  1. Click Settings An image of the Settings menu icon, which is represented by a black cog..

  2. Click Display Formats in the Display Preferences area.

  3. In the Display Format field, insert the building blocks identified in the Legend below, along with other formatting elements you want to use such as commas, separators (-, /, .) or spaces.
    An image of the Display Formats window.
  4. Click Preview to view the current display format using sample data. The data with the format applied is shown in the Preview Panel.
  5. Click Save when you are done.
  6. process is based on combining the building blocks and additional symbols and punctuation as required. The purpose for each building block for a specific data type format is identified in the Legend.

The new Format is saved to the list of Date or Numeric formats in the left-hand pane, and is available for use in a number of different places in the application where the Date/Time data type is used.