App level URL template parameters

The Oracle Eloqua appDeveloper Framework supports URL Templating, enabling the configuration of service URIs Eloqua calls out to. Any acceptable template parameter is substituted with the appropriate value before the call is made. See the Introduction to URL Templating page for more information.

To look up individual parameters, please see the below parameter descriptions.

App level parameters

Lifecycle parameters

URL Description Parameters
Enable URL The URL called when the App is first installed or when it is reconfigured. This is a templated URL which should include, at a minimum, the {InstallId}, {AppId}, and {CallbackUrl} parameters. WIthout the callback URL you will not be able to complete the installation flow if your app requires configuring (for example, to use OAuth). {InstallId}, {UserName},{UserId}, UserCulture}, {SiteName}, {SiteId}, {AppId}, {CallbackUrl}
Configure URL The URL called when clicking Configure (Gear icon next to Check Connection) for the App within the AppCloud Catalog. {InstallId}, {UserName},{UserId}, UserCulture}, {SiteName}, {SiteId}, {AppId}
Status URL The URL called when a user checks the App’s connection. Learn how to respond when Eloqua calls the Status URL. {InstallId}, {UserName},{UserId}, UserCulture}, {SiteName}, {SiteId}, {AppId}
Uninstall URL The URL called when a user uninstalls the app. This allows Eloqua to notify the app provider when someone uninstalls their app from the appcloud catalog. This URL supports templated parameters such as {InstallId}, {AppId}, etc. {InstallId}, {UserName},{UserId}, UserCulture}, {SiteName}, {SiteId}, {AppId}

OAuth parameters

URL Description Parameters
Callback URL

Your App’s registered redirection endpoint. Its value should be the same as the redirect_uri used when requesting initial authorization for OAuth. Learn more about authentication with OAuth.

{InstallId}, {UserName},{UserId}, UserCulture}, {SiteName}, {SiteId}, {AppId}

Parameter descriptions

  • InstanceId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the GUID for the specific instance of the AppCloud service being used. For instance, when a user drags and drops an action or decision service onto a campaign canvas this is considered a distinct instance and a new InstanceId is created.

  • InstallId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the GUID for the user's installation of the AppCloud App. Whenever a user installs an app, a new InstallId is created.

  • AssetId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the referencing asset's ID. Each instance of an asset will have a unique AssetId.

  • AssetName is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the referencing asset's filename.

  • AssetType is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the referencing asset's type. Possible asset types include campaign, form, landing page, program, etc.

  • AssetPath is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the referencing asset's directory path.

  • CallbackURL is the Eloqua URL an app calls into when configuration is complete during installation.Example:<base url>/Apps/Cloud/Admin/Install/Callback/{1}?guid={2}
    Where {1} is the installId and {2} is a guid generated by Eloqua. Note: this parameter is separate and distinct from the OAuth Callback URL.

  • OriginalInstanceId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. It is specific to a service's Copy URL and its value is the original service's InstanceId (as opposed to the copied service's InstanceId).

  • OriginalInstallId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. It is specific to a service's Copy URL and its value is the original service's installId (as opposed to the copied service's InstallId).

  • OriginalAssetId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. It is specific to a service's Copy URL and its value is the original service's AssetId (as opposed to the copied service's AssetId).

  • OriginalAssetName is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. It is specific to a service's Copy URL and its value is the original service's AssetName (as opposed to the copied service's AssetName).

  • UserName is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the name of the user who triggered the call.

  • UserId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the ID of the user who triggered the call.

  • UserCulture is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the linguistic profile of the user of the user that triggered the call. Eloqua uses Microsoft's CultureInfo class to define culture. For example, for English (United States), the code is "en-US", for French (Canada) it is "fr-CA".

  • SiteName is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the name of the user's Eloqua instance.

  • SiteId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the GUID-based ID for the user's Eloqua instance.

  • AppId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the GUID-based ID of the app making the service call. Each AppCloud app has a single unique AppId.

  • EventType is a templated parameter used in AppCloud service apps. Its value is the status change that triggered the call (Created, Activated, Draft, etc.)

    List of EventType values: Created, Updated, Deleted, Activated, ActivatedBySchedule, Scheduled, Draft, DraftWaitingApproval, DraftApproved, CampaignAssetAdded, CampaignAssetRemoved, CampaignLandingPageAdded, CampaignLandingPageRemoved, CampaignFormAdded, CampaignFormRemoved, CampaignEmailAdded, CampaignEmailRemoved, CampaignSegmentAdded, CampaignSegmentRemoved, MembersAdded, ContentRequired, Completed.

  • VisitorId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud content service apps. Its value is an integer and represents the ID of the visitor for whom you wish to construct a landing page.

  • RenderType is a templated parameter used in AppCloud content service apps. Its value specifies the different types of email renderings. Possible values are:

    • 0: No render -- no content is being assembled.
    • 1: EmailSend -- content is being assembled for sending an email.
    • 2: LiveWeb -- content is being assembled to render a live landing page.
    • 3: EmailPreview -- content is being assembled to render an email preview.
    • 4: WebPreview -- content is being assembled to render a preview of a landing page.
    • 5: EmailSaved -- content is being assembled to render the web version of a sent email.

  • IsPreview is a templated parameter used in AppCloud content service apps. Its value specifies whether the referencing email is in preview mode. Possible values are:

    • 0: False
    • 1: True

  • ExecutionId is a templated parameter used in AppCloud content service apps. Its value is an integer and identifies a unique email send execution.

Learn more

App Developer Framework

Service level URL template parameters

Introduction to URL templating