Default display formats

For custom object fields, you can specify how date/time and numeric fields are formatted. These display formats can be managed as needed in Eloqua if you need to alter or create new formats. The following table outlines the default display formats and their associated ids. See an example where FieldOutputFormat is set.

Date Formats

Format Example id
d/M/yyyy 15/6/2009 17
dd/MM/yy 24/06/09 7
dd/MM/yyyy 24/06/2009 6
dddd Wednesday 11
dddd MMMM d, yyyy Wednesday, September 9, 2009 19 2.30.04 3
h:mm:ss tt 2:28:46 AM 15
HH tt 14 PM 13 14.28.46 2
HH:mm 14:28 12
HH:mm:ss 14:28:46 14
M.d.yyyy 6.15.2009 1
M/d/yyyy 6/15/2009 18
MM/dd/yy 06/24/09 5
MM/dd/yyyy 06/24/2009 4
MMM d, yyyy Aug 20, 2009 16
MMMM d, yyyy August 20, 2009 8
MMMM, d August, 20 9
MMMM, yyyy August, 2009 10
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:MM:ss.fff" 2004-03-27 14:03:04.000 26

Numeric Formats

Format Example id
# 12345 22
#,#.## 12,345.68 23
#,0 12,346 27
#.# 12345.7 21
#.## 12345.68 20
#.#### 12345.6789 25
#.0 12345.0 28
0.0 12345.0 29

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