REST API HTTP Status Codes and Error Messages Reference

This section provides information about the status codes and error messages that can be received by a REST API client of Oracle Messaging Cloud Service.


Generic Meanings of HTTP Response Status Codes

The following table lists HTTP response status codes and their meanings:

Response Status Code Meaning

200 Ok

Successful requests other than creations and deletions.

201 Created

Successful creation of a queue, topic, temporary queue, temporary topic, session, producer, consumer, listener, queue browser, or message.

204 No Content

Successful deletion of a queue, topic, session, producer, or listener.

400 Bad Request

The path info doesn't have the right format, or a parameter or request body value doesn't have the right format, or a required parameter is missing, or values have the right format but are invalid in some way (for example, destination parameter does not exist, content is too big, or client ID is in use).

403 Forbidden

The invoker is not authorized to invoke the operation.

404 Not Found

The object referenced by the path does not exist.

405 Method Not Allowed

The method is not one of those allowed for the path.

409 Conflict

An attempt was made to create an object that already exists.

500 Internal Server Error

The execution of the service failed in some way.

Response bodies for status codes greater than or equal to 400 are either empty or contain an error response in JSON or XML format. For more information, see Understanding Error Responses.

Error Keys, Status Codes and Error Messages

This section gives a list of the distinct error responses that can be generated by the REST API.


The error responses are listed first by their associated HTTP status code. Within each status code, the error responses are listed by their key. The error key is the last component of the error code returned in the response. That is, each error code has the form:

urn:oracle:cloud:errorcode:messaging:error key

For example, the error with key methodNotAllowed has error code urn:oracle:cloud:errorcode:messaging:methodNotAllowed.

For each error key, we give the associated error message followed by further explanation if the error message is not self-explanatory.

Errors with HTTP Status Code 400 (Bad Request)

This section provides information about errors with HTTP status code 400.

Error Message Description

Missing or incorrect X-OC-ID-TOKEN.

The anti-CSRF token is enabled, but the request either did not submit the token in header X-OC-ID-TOKEN or submitted a value that does not match the previously generated value.


Content-Type must be one of the following: list of media types.

The method and URL path must have content of a particular media type in its body, and the Content-Type header does not match any of the expected media types.


Bad parameter 'query string parameter'/header 'header name': 'parameter value'.

The value submitted for a parameter is malformed (for example, it should be an integer but doesn't parse as an integer, or should specify a destination but doesn't start with /queues/ or /topics/), not in the proper range (for example, a timeout that parses as an integer but is 0 or negative), or has some other syntactic problem. This error does not indicate that the value is well-formed but, for example, refers to an entity that doesn't exist. The error message specifies the parameter, giving both the query string parameter and header names, and the bad value.


Bad property header 'header name' with value 'value'.

The value submitted for a message property via an X-OC-type-PROPERTY-name header is malformed. The error message specifies the header and value.


Bad selector: 'selector'.

A message selector was found to be invalid.


Client ID 'client ID' is invalid or in use by a client or listener.

A client ID was submitted that is invalid or is already in use, either by a listener, another client, or by the current client.


Connection state does not allow setting client ID.

The client attempted to set a client ID on the connection after performing an operation that puts the connection in a state where its client ID is no longer settable. This includes creating a session and any other (successful) operation that requires the prior creation of a session.


Connection 'connection name' does not exist.

The client attempted to create a session with a connection name that is not the name of an existing connection.


Destination 'destination name' of type 'queue or topic' does not exist.

A queue or topic submitted in the request does not exist. This key is used when the destination is not the resource specified in the URL path, but rather when it is specified as, for example, a destination parameter or X-OC-DESTINATION header.


Disallowed combination of parameters: submitted parameters.

The method to list durable subscriptions and their properties specified a combination of parameters that is not one of the supported combinations. The error message will give a space-delimited list consisting of some collection of the strings subscriptionName, clientId, and topicName.


A consumer cannot be created on a temporary topic.

An attempt was made to create a consumer on a temporary topic that uses a durable subscription. Durable subscriptions are not allowed on temporary topics.


The Content-Type header has value 'Content-Type value', which is not allowed for the requested operation.

A send request was made whose Content-Type header had value application/x-www-form-urlencoded. This content type is not allowed in send requests, as the combination of the POST method and this content type may cause the web server to consume the content, attempting to parse it as if it were a <form> submission from an HTML browser, making the content unavailable to be put into the message.


Parameter 'query string parameter'/header 'header name' not allowed with method 'method' on path 'URL path'.

A parameter was submitted that is not allowed with a given method and URL path. The error message gives both the query string parameter and the header name for the parameter.


Exactly one of the JMSXGroupID and JMSXGroupSeq properties was set on the message. Either both properties must be set, or neither must be set.

One of the mandatory parameters was not set when sending messages using message groups.


Invalid path: 'URL path'.

The URL path of a request is not a supported path or is malformed. Specific problems include the following:

  • The URL does not contain the path component for the service name and identity domain name.

  • The component of the request path after the service name/identity domain name component is not one of those handled by the service.

  • Some path component after the service and identity domain names contains characters other than a-z, A-Z, decimal digits, or underscores ('_').


Local mode on non-topic.

A request specified a local mode (whether messages sent to a destination via this connection should be received by consumers on this connection) with a destination that is not a topic (in which case a local mode is not appropriate).


Invalid Accept header: 'Accept header'.

The service was unable to process the Accept header of a request to determine whether the client can accept a response with content of a given media type.


Malformed destination: 'destination'.

A destination specification did not have the proper syntax (for example, it did not start with one of the following forms):
  • /queues/

  • /topics/

  • /temporaryQueues/

  • /temporaryTopics/


The XML for the message push listener is malformed; the malformed XML is as follows: 'listener XML'.

The message push listener specification did not have the proper syntax.

For examples of well-formed XML and the proper syntax to use, see Create a Listener.


The attempted operation could not be completed because the service instance is currently using all of its 'maximum number of concurrent connections' available connections.

An operation has been attempted that would create a new JMS connection (sending a message, receiving a message, setting the client ID on an connection, and so on), and the service instance is already at the maximum number of concurrent connections it's allowed.


The requested durable subscription could not be created because the service instance has reached its maximum number of durable subscriptions. This service instance may have no more than 'maximum number of durable subscriptions' durable subscriptions.



The attempted operation could not be completed because the service instance may have exceeded its available connections.

The service instance has exceeded the number of connections it can create on a single virtual machine in the cloud. This usually means that the service instance has reached, or even gone beyond, the maximum number of allowed connections.


The message could not be sent because the targeted destination reached its maximum number of messages. Each destination on this service instance may not have more than 'hard quota on number of messages' messages. The number of messages is currently 'current backlog size'. The number of messages must drop below 'soft quota on number of messages' before further sends are allowed.



The message could not be sent because the targeted destination reached its maximum number of bytes of messages. Each destination on this service instance may not have more than 'hard quota on bytes' bytes of messages. The number of bytes of messages is currently 'current backlog bytes'. The number of bytes of messages must drop below 'soft quota on bytes' before further sends are allowed.



The requested queue could not be created because the targeted service instance has reached its maximum number of queues. This service instance may have no more than 'maximum number of queues' queues.



The requested temporary destination could not be created because the targeted service instance has reached its maximum number of temporary destinations for this connection. Each connection on this service instance may not have more than 'maximum number of temporary destinations' temporary destinations.



The requested topic could not be created because the service instance has reached its maximum number of topics. This service instance may have no more than 'maximum number of topics' topics.



The size of the messaging-relevant headers of the send request exceeded the maximum, maximum header size.

The request's message-relevant headers exceeded the maximum size.


The size of the body of the send request exceeded the maximum, maximum body size.

The request's body exceeded the maximum size.


The internal message representation has size internal size, which exceeds the maximum internal size, maximum internal size.

A message whose headers and body were within the limitations exceeded the JMS broker's threshold for the size of the internal representation of a message.


Verification that the endpoint '<URL of an HTTP/S endpoint>' is willing to receive messages failed. The endpoint's response body did not match the challenge token.

An HTTP or HTTPS endpoint responded to a verification request with a response body that did not match the challenge token sent by Oracle Messaging Cloud Service.


Verification that the endpoint '<URL of an HTTP/S endpoint>' is willing to receive messages failed. The service instance could not connect to the endpoint.

Oracle Messaging Cloud Service was unable to connect to an HTTP or HTTPS endpoint to send a verification request.


Verification that the endpoint '<URL of an HTTP/S endpoint>' is willing to receive messages failed. The endpoint's response had status <non-200 status>.

An HTTP or HTTPS endpoint responded to a verification request with a status code other than 200.


Verification that the endpoint '<URL of an HTTP/S endpoint>' is willing to receive messages failed. An exception occurred in attempting to read the response.

An exception occurred in attempting to read the response to a verification request.


The message push listener had an HTTP/S target, but no verification token was supplied.

The listener XML specifies at least one HTTP or HTTPS URL to which to push messages, but no verificationToken was supplied.


Missing parameter 'query string parameter'/header 'header name'.

A parameter that is required for the method and URL path of the request was not supplied, either as a query string parameter or a header. The error specifies the query string parameter and header name for the missing parameter.


No destination or multiple destinations specified.

A send via a producer was requested, but either the request specified no destination and the producer had no default destination or the request specified a destination and the producer had a default destination.


No Content-Type.

A request was made that must have a specific media type, but no Content-Type header was supplied.


Neither a destination nor a subscription name were specified.

A request was made to create a consumer, but no destination was specified, and no existing durable subscription (from which a destination could be extracted) was specified.


Nonexistent namespace: 'namespace identifier'.

The namespace (specified by a service name and an identity domain name) specified for the request did not exist.


There is no service instance with service name 'service name' and identity domain name 'identity domain name'.

The namespace specified for the request did not exist.


There is no service instance with the specified service and identity domain name.

The namespace specified in the request URL did not exist.


The client has attempted to use the service instance 'first path component' with a messaging context that was started with service instance 'original first path component'.

The client request that created the current messaging context specified a service instance by using a URL path whose first component had the form

service name of the instance-identity domain name of the instance

but the current request has supplied a different first component on its URL path. The service instance may not be changed for a given messaging context. If a REST client wishes to access multiple service instances simultaneously, it must use multiple messaging contexts with different JSESSIONID values.


Session 'session name' does not exist.

This error is generated when a nonexistent session is specified as a query string parameter or a header, rather than via the URL path.


The durable subscription with client ID 'client ID' and name 'subscription name' has a consumer on it.

This error is generated in two circumstances:
  • An attempt is made to create a consumer on a durable subscription when that durable subscription already has a consumer on it.

  • An attempt is made to delete a durable subscription that has a consumer on it.


Durable subscription on non-Topic.

An attempt has been made to create a consumer with a durable subscription with a specified destination that is not a topic. This error is generated when it is possible to determine from the request alone that the destination is not a topic (for example, if the parameter specifying the consumer starts with /queues/).


Durable subscription does not exist.

A durable subscription was not found, but no information about that durable subscription was available.


Durable subscription with client ID 'client ID' and name 'subscription name' does not exist.

This error is generated when the nonexistent subscription is specified as a query string parameter or a header, rather than via the URL path.


Receive timeout (requested timeout milliseconds) is larger than the maximum allowed (service maximum timeout milliseconds).

The value of the timeout parameter was larger than the maximum allowed value (5 minutes).


Time to live (requested time-to-live milliseconds) is larger than the maximum allowed (service maximum time-to-live milliseconds).

A requested time-to-live, either for a producer being created, a producer being modified, or a message being sent, is longer than the maximum allowed (2 weeks).

Errors with HTTP Status Code 403 (Forbidden)

This section provides information about errors with HTTP status code 403.

Error Message Description

Administrator authorization required.



User must be either messaging worker or messaging admin.

The user has authenticated, but has neither of the roles (Messaging Administrator or Messaging Worker) required for any of the messaging operations.

Errors with HTTP Status Code 404 (Not Found)

All errors in this category are returned when a resource specified on the URL path does not exist.

Error Message Description

Connection 'connection name' does not exist.



Consumer 'consumer name' does not exist.



Destination 'name' of type 'queue or topic' does not exist.



Message push listener 'listener name' does not exist.



Producer 'producer name' does not exist.



Queue browser 'queue browser name' does not exist.



Session 'session name' does not exist.



Durable subscription with name 'subscription name' does not exist.

An attempt has been made to delete a nonexistent subscription via a session.


Durable subscription with client ID 'client ID' and name 'subscription name' does not exist.

As attempt has been made to retrieve the properties of a nonexistent durable subscription.

Errors with HTTP Status Code 405 (Method Not Allowed)

This section provides information about errors with HTTP status code 405.

Error Message Description

Method 'method' not allowed on path 'URL path'.


Errors with HTTP Status Code 406 (Not Acceptable)

This section provides information about errors with HTTP status code 406.

Error Message Description

Client's Accept header 'Accept header' cannot accept any of the following content types: space-separated list of content types.


Errors with HTTP Status Code 409 (Conflict)

This section provides information about errors with HTTP status code 409.

Error Message Description

Connection 'connection name' already exists.



Consumer 'consumer name' already exists.



Destination 'destination name' of type 'queue or topic' already exists.



Message push listener 'listener name' already exists.



Producer 'producer name' already exists.



Queue browser 'queue browser name' already exists.



Session 'session name' already exists.



A durable subscription with client ID 'client ID' and name 'subscription name' already exists.


Errors with HTTP Status Code 500 (Internal Server Error)

This section provides information about errors with HTTP status code 500.

Error Message Description

Failed to get Connection properties.

A failed attempt was made to get properties related to connections to the JMS broker.


Failed to get connection properties for destination 'destination name' of type 'queue or topic'.

A failed attempt was made to get properties related to connections to the JMS broker for a specific destination.


Failed to get properties for destination 'destination name' of type 'queue or topic'.

A failed attempt was made to get properties related to a specific destination.


Failed to get Service properties.

A failed attempt was made to get properties related to a specific service instance.


The maximum number of connections allowed for the service instance cannot be determined.

An internal error has occurred in determining the number of connections that a service instance is allowed.


Message push listener functionality was unexpectedly interrupted. Please try again.



A failed attempt was made to disable HTTP redirects for the message push listener verification request.


Operation failed.

A low-level failure occurred in attempting to carry out the latest request.