Enhanced Validations and Defaulting

To get you started with using Enhanced Validations and Defaulting, read the following topics:

Enhanced Validations and Defaulting Overview

The Enhanced Validations and Defaulting SuiteApp is designed to implement item and inventory validations on sales transaction and inventory adjustment records. The SuiteApp includes the following key features that you can use separately or in combination on sales and inventory adjustment transactions:

  • Item Set Validation – Assigns items to different categories and applies restrictions when selling items to a customer group

  • Negative Inventory Validation – Creates restrictions when you enter an item quantity that is more than the on-hand quantity of items across locations. The SuiteApp warns you that the item quantity entered will result to a negative inventory. If the Prevent Negative Inventory preference is enabled, you cannot save any transaction that includes an item with a negative inventory.

  • Default Discounts – Applies a default header-level discount for a specific customer or customer group.

The following table lists the transactions available for each validation type:


Validation Types

Item Set Validation

Negative Inventory Validation

Default Discounts

Cash Sale








Sales Order




Work Order




Transfer Order




Inventory Adjustment




For more information about the validation types, see Enabling Validations on Transactions.

Enhanced Validations and Defaulting Process Flow

Flowchart showing the Enhanced Validations and Defaulting process (3 possible paths depending on the validation type used).

The diagram shows the process flow for the different key feature validations of Enhanced Validations and Defaulting SuiteApp.

Negative Inventory Validation validates the inventory in the location selected for the added line-item. If the item quantity entered is more than the on-hand stock in the selected location, the SuiteApp displays a message that warns you of the negative inventory for the item. If the Prevent Negative Inventory preference is enabled, you cannot save the transaction. Otherwise, you can save the record. For more information, see Negative Inventory Validation.


In accounts where the Multi-Location Inventory feature is enabled, the SuiteApp validates the inventory in the locations specified on the transaction. For more information, see Multi-Location Inventory.

Default Discounts automatically applies the header level discount that you set for a customer or customer group. Discounts are applied on transactions based on the discount level available for the customer or customer group. For more information about the application of discounts, see Default Discounts Scenarios.

In Item Set Validation, items that are restricted for a customer group cannot be added as line-item. The SuiteApp validates the item restrictions for the selected customer and prevents saving of transactions.

For more information, see Enabling Validations on Transactions.


There is a SuiteApp limitation for quantities in transactions. Units of measure are excluded by the SuiteApp in any computation. For example, if there are 300 kilograms of a stock on hand and there is an order for 500 grams, the SuiteApp prevents the transaction from happening because it does not factor in the unit of measure.

Enhanced Validations and Defaulting SuiteApp Availability

The Enhanced Validations and Defaulting SuiteApp is a public and managed SuiteApp that is automatically updated whenever enhancements or new features are added.

For instructions on installing the SuiteApp, see Installing the Enhanced Validations and Defaulting SuiteApp.

Enhanced Validations and Defaulting SuiteApp is available in all languages supported by NetSuite . For more information, read Configuring Multiple Languages and Choosing a Language for Your NetSuite User Interface

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