Associating Custom Dimensions with Financials Features

When you first enable features for Financials, you can add custom dimensions—Product, Services, and up to three additional custom dimensions. When you add a custom dimension, you also specify to which features the dimension applies—Revenue, Expense, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, or Budget Revisions. For example, a custom dimension might apply only to Expense, or only to Balance Sheet.

Custom dimensions are added to the Page in forms for features to which the custom dimension applies. For example, if a custom dimension is applicable to Expense only, it appears on the Page for Expense forms. In forms for other features, such as Revenue, NoMember for the dimension is on the POV.

You can incrementally associate custom dimensions with additional features after you first enable Financials.


If you are enabling Budget Revisions:
  • You must associate the custom dimensions with Financials features. Select the edit button next to the custom dimension and select Budget Revision.

  • Select Budget Revisions Primary Dimension for one of the custom dimensions to make it the primary dimension for display, along with the Entity dimension, on forms.
    • Only one dimension can be selected as the primary dimension.

    • The selected dimension appears on the rows instead of on the page on forms.

    • If you don’t select a primary dimension, then all of the dimensions show up on the page on forms.

    • If you select a primary dimension, and then select a different primary dimension, the first selection is deselected.
  • Do not rename the Plan Element dimension.


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Learn about associating custom dimensions with Financials features.

video icon Adding Custom Dimensions to Features in Oracle Enterprise Planning Cloud.