Other Supported Delimiter Characters

In addition to commas and tabs, the application supports these delimiter characters in import and export files:

  • tilde (~)

  • grave accent (`)

  • exclamation point (!)

  • number sign (#)

  • question mark (?)

  • dollar sign ($)

  • percent sign (%)

  • caret (^)

  • ampersand (&)

  • asterisk (*)

  • parentheses ( )

  • hyphen-minus (-)

  • plus (+)

  • colon (:)

  • semicolon (;)

  • angle brackets (< >)

  • backslash (\)

  • forward slash (/)

  • vertical bar ( | )

  • apostrophe (')

  • braces ({ })

  • underscore (_)

  • brackets ([ ])

  • at sign (@)

  • period (.)

Only one character is supported for use as a delimiter. For example, one vertical bar ( | ) is supported, but two vertical bars ( | | ) are not supported.


Not all of the characters listed can be used for all import and export scenarios. Note the following exceptions.

Import and Export Metadata Delimiter Exceptions

Don't use these delimiter characters in metadata import and export files.

Table 6-1 Import and Export Metadata Delimiter Exceptions

Delimiter Character Reason for Exception
double quotation mark ("") Creates an empty file

plus (+)

minus (-)

forward slash (/)

percent sign (%)

Causes an error if the metadata import file contains consolidation properties that use these characters
angle brackets (< >) Causes an error if a property uses the value <none>


Any character that conflicts with a character in a member name will cause an error.

Import and Export Data Delimiter Exceptions

Table 6-2 Import and Export Data Delimiter Exceptions

Delimiter Character Reason for Exception
apostrophe (') Causes an error if used in a cube name
parentheses ( ) Causes an error if used in a data import file
double quotation mark ("") Creates an empty file
hyphen-minus (-) Causes an error if used in a data import file