Creating the Metadata Flat File

Use the Import and Export functionality to import more metadata or to perform incremental updates from the source system. In order to import, you must create a metadata flat file in CSV format. For each dimension for which you want to import members and their properties, create a metadata flat file. The metadata flat file must contain:

  1. A header record, the first line in the file, that:

    • Lists the dimension and any member properties used by subsequent metadata records; the header record and subsequent records do not need to include all properties; properties that are not included are inherited from the corresponding parent's default property value

    • Is case sensitive

    • Can list properties in any order, as long as the subsequent metadata records are in the same order

  2. After the header record, a list of metadata records that you want to import or update. Each metadata record contains a comma-separated list of property values that matches the order designated in the header record. A metadata record can skip a property that is specified in the header record; in this case, the default property is assumed.

Image show custom metadata file

In the following example, the import file loads an Entity dimension with the required header record and three data records. The header record specifies the member to be imported (Entity), the parent member (Parent) into which to import the member, and the Data Storage property to assign to the member.

Entity, Parent, Data Storage
e1, Entity,
e2, ,
e1, e2, Shared

Using this import file would result in this outline, assuming that no other members exist:


The first data record (e1, Entity) imports Entity member e1 as a child under the root member Entity. Unspecified values assume the default. For example, if data storage is not specified, it assumes the default value, Never Share. The next data record (e2, ,) imports Entity member e2 under the dimension root member because no parent is specified, and sets data storage to Never Share. The last data record (e1, e2, Shared) imports a shared member of e1 under member e2, and sets data storage to Shared.