About Selecting Attribute Values as Members

If attribute members are defined, you can select attribute values on the Member Selection page. For attribute members, selecting a non-level 0 attribute selects all level 0 descendants and applies the operator to each. For attributes of type numeric, date, and Boolean (where false = 0 and true = 1), evaluation is based on the minimum and maximum values. For text attributes, evaluation is based on the position from top to bottom in the hierarchy. The top position has the lowest value, and the bottom position has the highest value.

Example: Numeric attribute

In this example, the selected operator is applied to each level 0 descendant, based on the numeric value. For example, selecting NotEqual and Small in the Member Selection page includes all values not equal to 1 and not equal to 2, so the selection includes 3, 4, 5, and 6. Selecting Greater and Small includes all values greater than 1 or greater than 2, so the selection includes 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.











Table 24. Example: Numeric Attribute Evaluation

Selected OperatorSelected Attribute Value ResultExplanation
EqualLarge5, 6The Equal operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Large, which includes 5 and 6.
LessMedium1, 2, 3The Less operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Medium. This includes values < 3 OR < 4, which results in 1, 2, and 3.
GreaterMedium4, 5, 6

The Greater operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Medium. This includes values > 3 OR > 4, which results in 4, 5, and 6.

GreaterOrEqualMedium3, 4, 5, 6

The GreaterOrEqual operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Medium. This includes values >=3 OR >= 4, which results in 3, 4, 5, and 6.

LessOrEqualMedium1, 2, 3, 4The LessOrEqual operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Medium. This includes values <=3 OR <=4, which results in 1, 2, 3, and 4.
NotEqualMedium1, 2, 5, 6The NotEqual operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Medium. This includes values not equal to 3 AND not equal to 4, which results in 1, 2, 5, and 6.

Example: Text attribute

For text attributes, the selected operator is applied to each level 0 descendant based on its position in the hierarchy, from top (lowest value) to bottom (highest value).

In this example, Envelope is at the top position and has the lowest value. Packet has the next higher value, followed by Box, Carton, Barrel and Crate. Crate is at the bottom position and has the highest value.

For this text attribute, selecting Less and Small includes values that are less than Envelope or less than Packet. Because Envelope is less than Packet, the resulting selection includes only Envelope. Likewise, selecting Greater and Large includes values that are greater than Barrel or greater than Crate, so the resulting selection includes only Crate.











Table 25. Example: Text Attribute Evaluation

Selected OperatorSelected Attribute ValueResultExplanation
EqualMediumBox, CartonThe Equal operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Medium, which includes Box and Carton.
NotEqualMediumEnvelope, Packet, Barrel, CrateThe NotEqual operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Medium. This includes values not equal to Box AND not equal to Carton, which results in Envelope, Packet, Barrel, and Crate.
LessMediumBox, Packet, EnvelopeThe Less operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Medium. This includes everything at a lower position than Carton OR a lower position than Box, which results in Box, Packet, and Envelope.
LessOrEqualMediumEnvelope, Packet, Box, CartonThe LessOrEqual operator is applied to all level 0 descendants of Medium. This includes everything at the same position as Carton OR at a lower position than Carton, which results in Envelope, Packet, Box, and Carton.