Creating Currencies

Select from a predefined list or create your own. You can specify:

  • The three-letter code

  • The symbol

  • A description of up to 256 characters

  • The scaling factor to use when values are displayed

  • The triangulation currency to use for currency conversion

  • The alias table to use to display aliases

  • Number formatting, including thousands separator, decimal separator, negative sign, and color

  • Whether it is a reporting currency

  To create currencies:

  1. Select Administration, then Manage, then Dimensions.

  2. Select Currency.

  3. Click Add.

  4. From Create Currency:

    • To add a predefined currency, select Select standard Currencies.

    • To create a currency, select Create new currency and specify properties:

      • For Code, enter an abbreviation or identifier of up to three characters.

      • Optional: For Description, enter a name, such as Japanese yen.

      • For Symbol, enter a symbol or select a symbol from the list.

      • Optional: For Scale, select how to enter and display the currency. For example, 3 yen represents 3000 yen if scaling is set to thousands.

      • Optional: For Triangulation Currency, select the currency to use as the common third currency for conversion.

      • Optional: For Alias Table, select the alias table to use.

      • Optional: For Alias, enter a name for the currency alias.

  5. Optional: Select Reporting Currency (see Working with Multiple Currencies).

  6. Optional: For Thousands Separator, select how to display the thousands separator (it must differ from the decimal separator).

  7. Optional: For Decimal Separator, select how to display numbers with decimal values (it must differ from the thousands separator).

  8. Optional: For Negative Sign, select how to display negative numbers:

    • Prefixed minus: -1000.

    • Suffixed minus: 1000-

    • Parentheses: (1000)

  9. Optional: For Negative Color, select the display color.

  10. Optional: Select the type of Data Storage.

  11. Optional: Select Two Pass Calculation.

  12. Optional: Select the Data Type.

  13. Optional: Select a Smart List.

  14. Click Save.