Assigning Planning Unit Hierarchy Scenario and Version Combinations

During the budget process, calculations are run for various scenarios, such as Q1 or FY10. For each scenario, calculations can be run for various versions, for example Initial or Final. Before beginning the budget process, assign planning unit hierarchies to the scenario and version combinations included in the budget process.

  To assign planning unit hierarchy scenario and version combinations:

  1. Select Administration, then Approvals, and then Scenario and Version Assignment.

  2. Optional: Click Show next to the planning unit to view what scenarios and versions are assigned to it. Click Hide to close the list.

  3. Add a scenario and version assignment.

    1. Click Add new row, in the Actions column, for the planning unit.

    2. Click Select in the Scenario column, and then select the scenario to associate with the planning unit hierarchy

    3. Click Select in the Version column, and then select one or more versions to associate with the selected scenario.

    4. Click OK.

      A new assignment row is displayed.

  4. Optional: Click Remove row to remove a scenario and version assignment.

  5. Click Save to save the scenario and version assignments and continue or click Cancel Changes to undo any changes made since the last save.