Deleting Transactions


This utility deletes transactions from the database. You must be extremely careful and ensure that you have performed a full backup of the Performance Management Architect database before running the Transaction History Purge Utility. You cannot reverse the deletion of transactions. Be certain before deleting any transactions.

  To delete transactions:

  1. In the EPMA Transaction History Purge Utility dialog box, select the criteria to delete the transactions. Perform one of these actions:

    • Select Dated on or before, then select the date.

    • Select Older than and select the number of days. The maximum setting is 100 days. If you change the value to a number greater than 100, an error message is displayed.

  2. Click Start.

    A Warning dialog box is displayed.


    Before you click Yes, keep in mind that you cannot cancel the deletion of transactions while in progress.

  3. Click Yes.

    When you click the Start button, the utility determines which transactions to delete, and then when you click Yes in the Warning dialog box, it begins to delete all transactions. When you click Yes, the deletion process begins. The controls in the dialog box are inaccessible until the process completes. A summary of the transactions deleted is provided at the end of the process and is included in the log file referenced at the bottom of the dialog box. When the deletion is complete, the dialog box controls are re-enabled.


    If you attempt to close the application while the deletion is in-progress, an error message is displayed indicating that if you close the application the current deletion process to be rolled back.


If you experience problems with the Transaction History Purge Utility timing out, you can increase the value of the CommandTimeout setting. The default timeout is 900 seconds or 15 minutes. You can modify the timeout setting in the BPMA_Server_Config.xml file. See the Data_Access_Layer setting in Configuration Settings in BPMA_Server_Config.xml.