Excluding and Deleting Planning Members

Each data value in Planning is identified by a set of dimension members and a plan type. Excluding dimension members from Performance Management Architect applications can translate to a delete action on deployment. Hence, excluding dimension members can result in data loss when redeploying.

On redeployment, a Planning application is refreshed from Performance Management Architect, and all dimensions used in the application are refreshed with their current structure in Performance Management Architect. Redeployment refreshes all dimensions and their members, whether or not changes have occurred.

When excluded members are used elsewhere (such as a selection in a data form), their associations are removed. Before excluding members from an application, use the Planning Show Usage feature within Planning to determine where members are used in the application and review the implications of excluding dimension members. For information about the Show Usage feature, see the Oracle Hyperion Planning Administrator's Guide.

When a member is excluded from a dimension in an Performance Management Architect application and the application is deployed to Planning, the member is deleted from that dimension in Planning. This also deletes any associated supporting detail, data, and references to the member. For example:

  • Excluding a Scenario, Version, or Entity dimension member deletes a planning unit and all of its history (data) and annotations.

  • Excluding a member referenced by data forms changes the data form definition so it uses only the root dimension member. This may result in loss of access permission or cause no data to be displayed in a data form.

  • Excluding a currency dimension member that is referenced by an entity changes the entity dimension so it uses the default currency for the application in Performance Management Architect.

  • Excluding a currency member that is referenced as a triangulation currency removes the triangulation.

Custom dimensions and attribute dimensions that are excluded from an application in Performance Management Architect are not deleted from Planning during deployment. However, when members for these dimensions are excluded from an application in Performance Management Architect, they are deleted from Planning during deployment.

To improve performance when deleting entities, first exclude planning units for the subtree (by excluding the root member) for all scenarios and versions. After deleting entity members, you must update and validate business rules, reports, and data forms.


When you delete a member that is used in a data validation rule, the member is not deleted from Planning. When you deploy the application to Planning, the job console shows that deployment completes with errors and the Messages log shows that the member was not deleted.