Application Compare Summary

Compare Summary, in the upper right, displays a summary of all changes between the application and Shared Library. The Compare Summary updates, depending on your selection. For example, if you select a dimension in the Dimension Compare Results, the Compare Summary heading displays Dimension Compare Summary. The Compare Summary values are based on the selected artifact in the Dimension Compare Results. It displays:

  • Total Differences—total number of differences between the application and Shared Library.

  • Property Differences—total number of property differences

  • Additions—total number of artifacts added to the application.

  • Deletes—total number of deleted artifacts.

  • Renames—total number of renamed members. (The number that displays for renamed members are counted in addition to the Total Differences. For example, you may see 6 total differences and 2 renames, therefore you have a grand total of 8 differences.)

  • Removes—total number of removed artifacts.

  • Moves—A member was moved from one location to another in dimension.

  • Shares—A shared member was inserted into the dimension.

  • Includes—A shared dimension was added to the application.

  • Excludes—A member was filtered out of a dimension.

Each summary displays a radio button. The radio buttons are filters. You can select the Additions, Removes, or Property Differences radio buttons to update the Dimension Compare Results. For example, if you select Additions, the display is updated to show only additions. In addition, any members without additions are not displayed, unless it has a child that needs to be shown.