Creating Taskflows

You create a taskflow to link a series of tasks and specify the time to run them. When you create a taskflow, you assign it a name and description. Then you add task stages and links between tasks. Stages define specific tasks, such as data loads. Links specify how the system should proceed after completion of the step.

  To create taskflows:

  1. From the Taskflow Listing Summary, click New.

  2. For Name, enter a taskflow name. You may want to prefix the taskflow name with EPMA, to easily recognize Performance Management Architect taskflows.

    The name can contain up to 40 characters.

    The Application text box displays the name of the current application.

  3. For Description, enter a taskflow description.

  4. Click Submit.

    The taskflow editor is displayed, where you can add stages and links.

To continue creating the taskflow, see these topics: