
In addition to the properties described in the table, Entity dimension members use most of the common properties described in Properties Applicable to All Planning Dimensions, such as:

  • Valid for Plan

  • Aggregation

  • UDA

  • Member Formula

  • Alias

  • Data Storage

  • Smart List

  • Data Type

  • Attribute Values

You can create Entity members for groups that submit plans for approval, such as regions, countries, and departments. Data forms support multiple currencies per entity, enabling data entry for multiple currencies and reporting against one currency. You can set the currency for entered values, which are converted to other currencies with defined exchange rates.

The Entity dimension requires an association with the Currency dimension in order to enter a value for Base Currency. For multi-currency applications, the Currency dimension must be associated with the base entity dimension. Entity dimensions require an association with Attribute and Alias dimensions to be able to assign attribute values and aliases to members of the dimension. You can activate associations for applications in the Shared Library by right-clicking the name and selecting Activate all Associations.

Typically, Entity members prepare different plans. When defining Entity members, specify plan types for which they are valid. Because data forms are associated with plan types, you can control which entity members can enter data for each plan type.

Property Label


Property Name


Enter the three-letter currency code, for example, USD (for US dollars).

For multi-currency applications, specify the base currency for each Entity member.

Not applicable for aggregate storage outlines.

When you define the value for this property at the parent level, all descendants automatically inherit the value. If the value is overridden for a descendant member of the original parent, its own descendants inherit the new value.

Default Value: Application's default currency
