
In addition to the properties described in the table, Period dimension members use most of the common properties described in Properties Applicable to All Planning Dimensions, such as:

  • Valid for Plan

  • Aggregation

  • UDA

  • Member Formula

  • Alias

  • Data Storage

  • Smart List

  • Data Type

  • Attribute Values

Use the Period dimension to view and change the yearly rollup structure. You can specify base time periods and the number of weeks.

After the calendar is created, you cannot change the base time period. An application can have up to 500 time periods. Actual limits are defined by a combination of calendar years and time periods. The number of time periods and years also depends on whether your application uses multiple currencies. These practical limits are recommended: 400 time periods per year and 27 years, or 360 time periods per year and 30 years.

You can add and change summary time periods or the BegBalance member, including updating the name, description, alias, starting period, and ending period. You cannot skip or change the order of base time periods. The range cannot extend beyond the current fiscal year. To enforce a balanced hierarchy for 12 Month and Quarterly base Time Periods, all base members must be the same number of levels from the root.

For a successful first deployment, Planning applications must include the required members, BegBalance and YearTotal, and you must not rename these members prior to the first deployment. (YearTotal is the summary time period that aggregates Quarters or Weeks for custom time periods.) After the first deployment, however, you can rename the BegBalance and YearTotal members in the Application Library.


If renaming the BegBalance and YearTotal members caused the first deployment to fail, rename them “BegBalance” and “YearTotal”, redeploy the application, and then rename these members again with unique names in the Application Library.

After you create the Period dimension and deploy the application to Planning, you cannot change the order of the members.

Property Label Description Property Name

Use Beginning Balance

Whether to use the BegBalance time period.

Default Value: N/A


Period Type

The type of Period: Base Time Period, Summary Time Period, Year Time Period, or Alternate Time Period.
