Launching Batch Client

You can run the Performance Management Architect Batch Client in interactive command line mode or execute a script file specified on the command line.

To launch the Batch Client, select Start, Programs, Oracle EPM System, Foundation Services, Performance Management Architect, Start EPMA Batch Client.

You can also navigate to EPM_ORACLE_HOME\products\Foundation\BPMA\EPMABatchClient and launch the epma-batch-client.bat file using an interactive command line or script. (In a LINUX or UNIX environment, navigate to EPM_ORACLE_HOME/products/Foundation/BPMA/EPMABatchClient and launch the file.)

For example, to launch the batch client in interactive command mode, launch the batch file with no parameters:


When launching a script, the script file name must be specified with the –C option. All additional parameters are optional. For example: EPM_ORACLE_HOME\products\Foundation\BPMA\EPMABatchClient\epma-batch-client.bat –CMyScript.txt


You can specify the script file name and any log file names as relative paths, however the paths must be relative to the EPMABatchClient folder, not the folder in which the batch file was launched.