Command Line Options

You can specify the following arguments when you start the batch client.

Table 1. Batch Client Commands

Command Description
-H Displays batch client help.
-C Specifies the name of the script file to execute.

For example:-C’C:\Scripts\LightsOut.txt’


Specifies the language to use. To use this parameter, enter –Gx where x is one of the following language codes:

  • DA—Danish

  • DE—German

  • ES—Spanish

  • FR—French

  • IT—Italian

  • JA—Japanese

  • KO—Korean

  • PT_BR—Brazilian Portuguese

  • RU—Russian

  • SV—Swedish

  • TR—Turkish

  • ZH_CN—Simplified Chinese

  • ZH_TW—Traditional Chinese

For example, –Gfr for French or –Git for Italian.

If the –G option is not specified the Batch Client attempts to use the current default language from the operating system. If a resource file is not found the Batch Client will use the default, English. If a string is not found in a specific language resource file, the English version will be used.

-R Specifies the name of the file to write the results to on your machine.

For example: -R’C:\LogFiles\ScriptResult.log’

-L Specifies if commands are logged. The default value is 0.

Log Commands include:

Off (Default) = Do not log commands

On = Log Commands

For example: -LOn

-S Stops execution of the script if a command fails. The default value is 1 (true).

Stop if an error occurs: True

Continue on Error: False

For example: -SFalse, continues if an error occurs.

-U Specifies the user name used to login to Performance Management Architect.

For example: -U’Admin’

-P Specifies the password used to login to Performance Management Architect.

For example: -Ppassword

-V Turns script verification on or off. If Validate is on, the script is checked for syntax errors before it is run and the script will abort if any errors are found. The value 'Off' does not validate before execution and 'On' validates the script before executing. The default value is On and validates the script before executing. For example, -VOff does not validate the script before execution.
-O Validate Only. If specified, the Batch Client validates the script but, pass or fail, it will not run the script. This can be used to test a script for syntax errors without running it.

Specifies the character encoding to use for the output displayed on the console. For example: -Ncp866

For Windows environments, the default is the locale's code page (which can be determined using the chcp command).

For UNIX environments, the default is UTF-8.


For Japanese Windows environments, you must set the code page to MS932. For example, -NMS932.


For On/Off command line parameters, such as –S, the following values are acceptable: 0 or 1, Y or N, Yes or No, True or False, On or Off. For example, these values are all valid: -S0, -SY, -SNo, -STrue, -SOff.

The following excerpt shows an example of how command line options are used.

epma-batch-client -H
epma-batch-client -C"C:\EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE\EPMA\Commands.txt"
         -R"C:\EPM_ORACLE_INSTANCE\EPMA\ResultFile.txt"  -LOn -SFalse
         –Uadmin -Ppassword