Configuring Command Files

A command file is an input file for the batch client. It can contain one or more of the following:

  • Commands

  • Variables, declarations, and assignments

  • Comments

The following excerpt is an example of a command file.

// Test Script
set bpmaserverurl=http://localhost/hyperion-bpma-server;
set workspaceurl=http://localhost:19000/workspace;

login admin,password;

set ApplicationName = 'Sample';

// Delete some members
Delete Member
        Properties(MemberName, DimensionName, ParentName, DeleteAllDescendants)
        Values('M1-1-1', 'A1', 'M1-1', true);
Delete Member
        Properties(MemberName, DimensionName, ParentName, DeleteAllDescendants)
        Values('M1', 'A1', '#root', false);
Delete Member
        Properties(MemberName, DimensionName, ParentName, DeleteAllDescendants)
        Values('M1', 'A1', '#root', true);

Delete Dimension

Delete Dimension

Delete Application
        Properties(ApplicationName, WaitForCompletion)

set ApplicationName = '';

// Delete shared dims
Delete Dimension

Most of the commands in a command file execute immediately. However, EXECUTE commands can take a long time to execute and support a WaitForCompletion parameter. All execute commands support this parameter, except for DIMSYNCRONIZATION. For example, you can use a WaitForCompletion parameter to force the batch client to wait for command execution. The following command shows an example of the WaitForCompletion parameter. In this case, the administrator is executing a data synchronization command, which can take longer to run. Other commands that take longer to run include imports and application deployments.

execute datasynchronization
     parameters(DataSynchronizationName, DataTransformationOperator, DataTransformationValue, FileName,ValidateOnly, WaitForCompletion)
     values('CommaSync3', '*', '1.2345', '', 'false', 'true');