
Logs into Performance Management Architect.

If you log in using a script, enter:

Login admin,password;

If you log in using a command line, enter:


You can save the password in an encrypted file and log in using this encrypted file. You can use either of these two methods to encrypt the password:

  • To encrypt the password through a command line argument:

    ..\EPMABatchClient>epma-batch-client.bat -Ac:/some.txt -Xpassword


    • -X specifies the password that needs to be encrypted.

    • -A (optional) specifies the path/file name in which the encrypted password is saved. If you do not use this parameter, a file with the name password.txt is created in the location where the Batch Client utility resides. If you do use this parameter, you should specify it before -X, because the order in which these parameters are passed is predefined.

  • To encrypt the password through a script file:

    Encrypt <password>,<path>;


    • <password> refers to the password that needs to be encrypted.

    • <path> (optional) refers to the path/file where the encrypted password is saved. The order of the parameters should be as shown in the example, because the order in which the parameters are passed is predefined.

There are two options for logging in using the encrypted password file:

  • To log in through a command line argument:

    ..\EPMABatchClient>epma-batch-client.bat -CplanDeploy.txt -Uadmin–Fc:\pass.txt 


    • -F specifies the path of the file containing the encrypted password. The order of the parameters should be as shown in the example, because the order in which the parameters are passed is predefined.

    • -P need not be used to specify the password.

  • To log in through a script file:

    login <username>, F<path of file containing encrypted password>;

    Instead of specifying the password directly, you can use “-F<path>" to specify that the password needs to be taken from the encrypted file.

Login Through a Proxy

You can use the SET command and define the following variables to login through a proxy.

set ProxyHost='http://localhost/myProxy';
set ProxyPort='8080';
set ProxyUsername='myProxyUser';
set ProxyPassword='myProxyPassword';

ProxyHost —The proxy host name.

ProxyPort—The proxy port number.

ProxyUsername—The user name to be authenticated.

ProxyPassword—The user password.

Login Using Single Sign On (SSO) such as Oracle Access Manager

You have two options to login using single sign on:

  • Basic/Digest authentication

    For Basic/Digest authentication, set the SSOType to Basic as follows:

    set SSOType='Basic';
  • Form based authentication

    For form based authentication, set the SSOType to Form as follows:

    set SSOType='Form';

    If you are using Form based authentication, you must define the field names for where the username and password should be posted as follows:

    set SSOFormUsernameField='userid';
    set SSOFormPasswordField='password';


    The default field name is 'userid' and 'password'.