Detach Dimension Commands

Converts a shared dimension in an application to a local dimension.

Detach Dimension
        Properties(ApplicationName, DimensionName, RetainFilteredStructure, RetainPropertyOverrides,waitForCompletion)
        Values('Comma', 'Period', 'true', 'true', 'true');

ApplicationName—The name of an existing application.

DimensionName—The name of an existing dimension.

RetainFilteredStructure—If set to true, the current view of the dimension is kept and any excluded or otherwise filter members will not be present in the local copy of the dimension. If set to false, all of the members of the dimension will be present in the local copy of the dimension. Allowed values:

  • True

  • False

RetainPropertyOverrides—If set to true, all of the property overrides will be maintained, otherwise the current values from the shared version of the dimension will be used. Allowed values:

  • True

  • False

WaitForCompletion—If set to true, the Batch Client waits for the job to finish. If set to false, the Batch Client submits the job and continues. Allowed values:

  • True

  • False