Share Dimension Commands

Converts a local dimension to either a new shared dimension or merges it with an existing dimension.

Share Dimension
        Properties(ApplicationName, DimensionName, ShareAsNew, SharedDimensionName, MergeAsShared,
        Values('Comma', 'Entity', 'false', 'ShareEntity', 'true', 'true');

ApplicationName—The name of an existing application.

DimensionName—The name of an existing dimension.

ShareAsNew—If set to true, the SharedDimensionName and MergeAsShared properties are ignored as they do not apply when sharing a dimension as new. Allowed values:

  • True

  • False

SharedDimensionName—If set to false, you must supply the name of the dimension in the Shared library to share. Allowed values:

  • True

  • False

MergeAsShared—If set to true, the dimension being shared will be merged with the target dimension. If set to false, the target dimension will be replaced by the dimension being shared. Allowed values:

  • True

  • False

WaitForCompletion—If set to true, the Batch Client waits for the job to finish. If set to false, the Batch Client submits the job and continues. Allowed values:

  • True

  • False