How do I upload a document?

You can add files from your local file systems.


  • You can upload files of all kinds and sizes to Oracle Social Network, but file previews show only the first 100 pages, and not all file types show a preview.

  • If you add a document with the same name as one that was previously added, a new version is created.

To share a document with others:

  1. Open the business object or Conversation you want to associate the document with.

    Note: If the Conversation or wall you select is visible to outside users, you see a banner stating "Visible to outside users." at the top of the dialog. Be careful not to post any sensitive information to Conversations or walls that include outside users. For more information on outside users, see Outside Users.

  2. On the Messages or Wall tab, click Add Documents icon next to the text box, or, on the Documents tab, click Add, then select a file.
  3. Optionally, in the text box add a message to post with the document.

    Tip: When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

  4. Click Upload.

    Your document, with any message you added, is posted to the wall or Conversation.