How do I add or remove a related or referring item?

Related items are items that have direct relevance to the item you're viewing. Think of them as child items, where the child item is related to a parent item along with other child items. For example, the Related list for a Social Object might contain Conversations about planning, financing, ownership, and other types of topics surrounding the Social Object. The list could include collections of relevant items, groups comprised of the people involved in fulfilling the Social Object's goal, or other Social Objects that are relevant to this Social Object.

Referring items are the Social Object and collections that the item you're viewing has been added to (as a related item). Think of them as parent items, where the parent item refers to one or more child items.

To add a related item:

  1. Open the item, then click the Related tab.

  2. Click + Add.

  3. Select whether to create a new item or add an existing item:

    • To create a new item:

      a. Click New Conversation or New Collection.

      b. Enter a name for the Conversation.

      c. Set its visibility, either Only visible to members (members-only) or Visible to everyone (public).

      d. Select additional members (move from left column to right) or remove members (move from right column to left).

      Note: When you create a new Conversation related to an item, the Conversation membership is taken from the referring item's membership.

    • To add an existing item:

      a. Click Related Item.

      b. Search for an item or select one from one of the tabs (Recent or Favorites).

      c. Click Select.

To add a referring item:

  1. Open the item, then click the Referring tab.

  2. Click + Add.

  3. Search for an item or select one from one of the tabs (Recent or Favorites).

  4. Click Select.

To remove a related or referring item:

  1. Open the item, then click the Related tab or the Referring tab.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Click Remove next to the item, then click Done.