How do I set up notifications?

  1. Tap Slide-out navigation button in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap Settings icon Settings.
  2. Tap Notifications.
    • To turn notifications on or off, tap the On/Off toggle in the action bar.

    • Under Alerts select Vibrate to make your device vibrate when there is a new notification.

      Select Device LED to make your device LED flash when there is a new notification.

    • Under Quiet Hours select Enable, and set a Start Time and End Time to prevent notifications from alerting you during that period.

  3. Under Accounts tap an account to set up notifications for that account.

    Note: Fewer options are available when you configure an account you're not logged in to.

    General Notifications

    • Select Posts to be notified when someone posts a message to the Conversations and walls you're a member of.

    • Select Your Wall to be notified when someone posts a message to your wall.

    • Select One-on-One to be notified when someone starts a One-on-One with you.

    • Select Conversation Membership to be notified when you are added as a member to a Conversation or wall.

    Flags Assigned To You

    • Select FYI to be notified when someone assigns a For Your Information flag to you.

    • Select Please Reply to be notified when someone assigns a Please Reply flag to you.

    • You are always notified when someone assigns an Urgent flag to you.

    Flags Cleared

    • Select FYI to be notified when a For Your Information flag you assigned is cleared.

    • Select Please Reply to be notified when a Please Reply flag you assigned is cleared.

    • Select Urgent to be notified when a Please Reply - Urgent flag you assigned is cleared.