How do I add, edit, or remove an account?

To add a new account:

  1. On the sidebar menu, tap Accounts icon.

  2. Tap Add Account.

  3. In the Username field, enter your Oracle Social Network user name.

  4. In the Password field, enter your Oracle Social Network password.

  5. Turn on Save Password to make future connections automatically.

  6. In the Account Name field, enter a name for the new account.

  7. In the Server field, enter the path to the server that is hosting your Oracle Social Network instance.

    For example, enter:
  8. Tap Connect.

To edit an account:

Note: To edit settings for an account, you must not be connected to it.

  1. On the sidebar menu, tap Accounts icon.

  2. Tap i button next to the account you want to edit.

  3. Change the information as desired.

  4. Tap Connect.

To remove an account:

Note: To remove an account, you must not be connected to it.

  1. On the sidebar menu, tap Accounts icon.
  2. Tap i button next to the account you want to remove.
  3. Tap Delete.