What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

You can use a hashtag (#) in a message to call out a meaningful term or topic, making it easy to search for all content associated with that term or topic. For example, imagine discounts is a popular topic in your group, but the discounts can come in the form of dealer incentives, cash-back deals, seasonal discounts, or any other number of forms. How do you find what everyone is saying about all those things? You use a hashtag. Every time you or your colleagues say something about some form of discount, you include the hashtag #discounts. You can then search for #discounts and get a list of all messages in otherwise unrelated Conversations and walls that contain the hashtagged term.

Adding Hashtags

You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, annotations, and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been used before) appear for you to select from.


  • You can include the following characters in a hashtag: A through Z, a through z, 0 through 9 and _.

  • A hashtag can be a maximum of 25 characters (not including the "#").

Searching for and Viewing Hashtags

When you perform a search, available hashtags are included in the results. If your search term starts with a hashtag (#), one of two things will happen. If the hashtag exists, the hashtag page opens. If the hashtag doesn't exist, you see search results that contain any tags similar to the hashtag you searched for.

Wherever you see them, hashtagged terms are tappable and will open a hashtag page where all messages that include that hashtag are shown. So tapping #discounts in any Conversation opens a #discounts page which shows any message (in a Conversation, document annotation, wall, or such) that you have access to that includes the discounts hashtag.

On the hashtag page, you can filter the messages to show all messages that include the hashtag (Recent) or just those messages posted by people you are following (By People You Follow).

To mark a message as a favorite, next to the message, tap Add favorite message button. For more information, see How do I view my favorites?

Following Hashtags

You can also follow hashtags. When you follow a hashtag, messages in public Conversations and walls that contain that hashtag appear on the Overview page, even if you are not a member of those Conversations or walls.

To follow a hashtag, tap the hashtag to open the hashtag page, then tap Follow at the top of the page. To stop following the hashtag, tap Unfollow.