How do I mark a wall, Conversation, or message as a favorite?

Marking an item as a favorite is an easy way to keep track of the items you use most frequently. To mark an item as a favorite, click Add to Favorite icon next to the item; click the star again to unmark it.

While viewing a list of objects (Conversations, collections, groups, or Social Objects), you can limit the list to your favorites by clicking Show, then clicking Favorites.

To view all your favorites, including messages, from the navigation menu on the left, select Favorites.

You can filter or sort your favorites to change your view.

  • To filter your favorites by object type (for example, messages, documents, or groups), select an option from the Show menu.

  • To sort your favorites, select options in the Sort by menu: sort by options (Date Added or Name), and the order you want them sorted in (Ascending or Descending).