What are Social Objects?

Social Objects are records within a business application or business process that are mapped into Oracle Social Network. When records like these appear in Oracle Social Network, they are called Social Objects.

Your application administrator might set things up so that all business objects of a given type are automatically made Social Objects, while other types require that you click a Share button to explicitly turn them into Social Objects.

Now, why should you care? Imagine an opportunity named BigSale in your Oracle Applications Cloud CRM system. You expose the BigSale opportunity record as a Social Object in Oracle Social Network. Here you can add discussions, decisions, and plans directly to BigSale's list of related items, making them easy to find.

You can post to the Conversation associated with the Social Object—its wall—to report your progress, let everyone know your status, or anything else relevant to the object.

You can also advance the account from one state to the next, for example from open to pending to closed, through a collaborative process that includes all involved teams.

In addition to people who have access to the record through the Oracle Applications Cloud, you can add people who don't have that access to the Social Object's membership. This way, you extend the pool of talent contributing to the discussions, decisions, and plans associated with the Social Object.