How do I view or post to another person's wall?

  1. Open the person's wall using one of the following methods:
    • While viewing a Conversation, in the Conversation membership bar, tap the picture of the person whose wall you want to view, then tap View wall.

    • Tap Slide-out navigation button in the action bar to open the slide-out navigation, then tap People button People. Tap the person to open his or her profile. Tap View menu button in the action bar to display the view menu, then tap Wall.

      To add someone new to your contacts list, see How do I add or remove Oracle Social Network contacts?

  2. Tap New message button in the action bar to open the New Message dialog. For more information, see How do I create, reply to, edit, or delete a message?

    Note: If you don't see New message button in the action bar, you aren't following the person or the person doesn't allow other people to post to his or her wall.

Note: Outside users (people outside your company) have profiles, but they don't have walls. Outside users' names appear in purple text, and they have icons (Outside user avatar) after their names. If you want to post something to an outside user, you can do so through a one-on-one conversation. For more information, see How do I open a One-on-One Conversation?