How do I download an archive of an item?

Suppose you're heading for the airport and want to catch up on what's been going on with an item while on the plane. Maybe you want to keep a record of the content in a Conversation or wall at a certain point. You can save an archive of an item to your local drive.

The archive is in the form of a .zip file (named after the item). It contains the list of members, messages, and replies in an HTML file (named by default index.html) and all the documents added to the item.

To download an archive of an item:

  1. Open the item.

  2. Click More Conversation Options icon, then select Download and save the file.

To work with an archive:

  1. Unzip the files to your computer.

  2. Open index.html.

    Clicking a document link opens the copy of the document that is included in the .zip file. All other links in index.html (user names, like, reply, and so on) open the full version of Oracle Social Network in the browser.

Note: You can't make changes to an archive (though you can click a link to open the item in a browser and make changes there).