How do I perform a global search?

  1. Enter at least two characters in the search box at the top of the Social panel, then press Enter or click Begin Search icon.
  2. Optionally, select a filter from the Show menu to show a particular result type (for example, Conversations or documents).
  3. After filtering by a result type, you see some additional sort and filter options. Click Filter icon to see additional options.
    • Sort By: Select how to sort your results.

    • Posted By: Limit your search to messages or documents posted by a particular person.

    • Posted When: Limit your search to messages or documents posted within a particular period.

    • Updated By: Limit your search to Conversations, collections, hashtags, or Social Objects updated by a particular user.

    • Updated When: Limit your search to Conversations, collections, hashtags, or Social Objects updated within a particular period.

    • Created By: Limit your search to Conversations, collections, groups, or Social Objects created by a particular user.

    • Created When: Limit your search to Conversations, groups, or Social Objects created within a particular period.

    • Includes Member: Limit your search to Conversations, collections, groups, or Social Objects with a particular member.

    • Favorites Only: Limit your search to only your favorite Conversations, collections, or Social Objects.

    • Include Public: Control whether to show public Conversations, collections, or Social Objects in your results.

    • Include Closed: Control whether to show closed Conversations, collections, or Social Objects in your results.

    • Document Type: If you filter your results to show documents, you can select which types of documents to show.

    • Include Deactivated: Control whether to show deactivated groups in your results.

Click a result to open it.