5 Purging

Purging permanently removes data from the Insight Event Store.

The metrics collected as part of Insight need to be purged based on a configuration to maintain database growth and application performance. The data for Insight is stored in the Insight Event Store and in the Business Activity Monitoring Data Objects created for each of the Insight activated models. Data in these two sources needs to be purged periodically based on configuration provided through the ConfigMBean of Insight.

5.1 InsightConfigMBean Parameters

Configurable MBeans and MBean parameters determine the purge settings for data objects and events in Insight.

The following configurable parameters will be made available as part of the InsightConfigMbean. The mBean is as follows:



The details of the parameters are described below:

  • BAMMetricsRetentionPeriod — this parameter controls the retention period of the metrics captured as part of BAM Data Objects . The default value is 90 days. Once the attribute is updated, the retention period of BAM Data Objects of all activated models gets updated with the same value. A value of 0 signifies that the metrics will be retained indefinitely and never be purged.

  • EventStoreRetentionPeriod — this parameter controls the retention period of the raw events captured. The default value is -1, which implies that table data will be purged immediately once they are processed and metrics published in BAM. A value of 0 implies that data will not be purged. A change in value of this attributes needs a server restart for the purge job to take effect.

5.2 Purging Events Captured in Event Store

Insight events generated by agents are persistent in the database tables A purge job runs to purge data based on the EventStoreRetentionPeriod attribute in InsightConfigMbean attribute comparing the CREATION_DATE column. The default value is -1, which means the purge job will always be running in background and deletes events once they are processed. Once a non-zero value is configured in the mBean, a server restart is required for the purge job to pick up the configured value. Any events older than the retention period (comparing CREATION_DATE column will be deleted.

You can purge only successful events.

5.3 Purging Metrics Captured in BAM Data Objects

During activation of a model, BAM Data Objects specific to the model get created. To purge the metrics captured in these Data Objects, you need to leverage the BAM data retention feature. Based on the BAMMetricsRetentionPeriod in the InsightConfigMbean, the retention period of the data in these Data Objects will be set. The default value is 90. BAM internal jobs will take care of purging of metrics created beyond the retention period. A nightly job takes care of the purging, the time of running the purge job is done through the BAM configuration. An update of InsightConfigMBean attribute results in immediate update of the retention period of all activated model Data Objects. The BAM metrics are a global configuration and not model specific.