Creating the Tax Reporting Application

The Tax Reporting application enables you to calculate and report on current and deferred taxes at national and regional levels. You can create only one application in a single environment.

Before you begin, consider the scope of your application; decide what data you should include and how it should be organized. When you create your application, you specify the start and end year. The application is created with prebuilt content for the options that you select during setup.

You can create your application using one of the following options:

  • Create a New application. The application provides the forms and calculations that you will need. During creation of the application, you define the number of years and the Main Currency, and indicate whether the application will use multiple currencies. You can then load your metadata and data, either manually or using a flat file. See Creating a New Application.
  • Create a Sample application. The sample application provides pre-loaded sample metadata, data and related artifacts, enabling you to immediately try different operations, perform calculations, or enter data. Using this out-of-the-box environment, you can explore the capabilities and performance of Tax Reporting to get familiar with the forms and operations, enabling you to more easily model your own application using the sample as a reference when you are ready. See Creating a Sample Application.


    The Sample Application option is only available with the Enterprise Performance Management System Workspace.