Overview of User Engagements

Understanding a customer's journey is important in deciding how digital channels can be leveraged to deliver the best possible customer experiences.

As a business, you want to gain insights into common customer issues and proactively engage with customers before they become dissatisfied. In the following example, a business is able to improve customer satisfaction and positively differentiate its brand by connecting to the customer at the point of frustration.

Joe, a fitness enthusiast, uses FitKit, a fitness application on his wearable smartwatch to track his daily fitness activity. The application tracks his fitness data and syncs it with his mobile phone and sends notifications when he reaches his fitness goals for the day. Unfortunately, the FitKit app sometimes takes too long to sync the data from the wearable to the phone, and prevents Joe from tracking his goals. Since the problem occurs intermittently, Joe doesn't seem to ever contact FitKit right when he is having the issue. When Joe manages to find the help desk number and contact an associate at FitKit, the associate asks for a lot of information Joe doesn't have readily available, including device version, app version, and synchronization duration. The overall experience wastes time and frustrates Joe greatly.

To intercept customer issues more timely, Live Experience engagement scenarios let you design engagements based on customer context, so you can interact with your customer at the right time using the right digital channel. Since Live Experience is integrated into a mobile app, a user's entire context, including device, location, device type, and user status, can be gathered and used to determine how to engage the users at the key moments.

In the example above, FitKit integrates their app with Live Experience and whenever the app takes longer than normal to sync, a support cue is triggered that lets FitKit provide live help to a customer right from within the app. The customer calls directly from the app to report the problem, and all of the customer context, such as customer location, status, and app and device version, are passed to the associate. The associate has all of the right, actionable information to solve the problem, and FitKit is able to increase customer retention by proactively engaging with the customers at precisely the right time. Customer frustration is minimized and satisfaction enhanced.

Here are some recommendations to help you create a better engagement experience.
  • Determine when to engage with a customer, and set up the engagement rules.
    Figure out the key pain points in the customer journey and proactively engage the customer. In our example, FitKit decided to proactively engage with their premium app subscribers when the app was unable to sync the data after trying three times. Those conditions are then used to create an engagement rule in Live Experience.
    Shows an example of the Live Experience Admin Console where an administrator can create and configure one or more engagement rules on an engagement scenario.
  • Engage the customer with the right message.
    To catch a customer's attention and make sure they engage with your business, show a personalized, targeted message.
    Shows that you can create a customized message that accompanies the Live Experience widget. In this example, the message "Unable to sync? I can help you."
  • Engage the customer using the right digital channel.
    Finally, you need to provide the right tools and digital channels. Your customers are more likely to engage using plain audio, so we configure the scenario to share just their microphone. If necessary, however, we can provide a more interactive experience by asking a customer to share their screen, allowing an associate to see what the customer sees in order to better understand a customer's problem.
    Shows the digital channels configured on this example engagement scenario. In this example, the engagement starts as an audio call for both the customer and the associate. The customer is able to share his screen at any time. The associate can also share their screen at any time, and can also ask them customer to share their screen.

All the engagements defined in Live Experience are dynamic and don't require you to write a single line of code. You can create an engagement based on your customer journey and after you enabled the scenario in Live Experience, it instantly enables the engagement in your application. No matter whether your customer journey is linear, with a customer progressing from step to step, or more free-form, where a customer dynamically jumps from one point to another, Live Experience lets you define multiple engagement scenarios to cover virtually all of your customer journey requirements.