How You Manage Teams

Having teams allows you to group users so that they can share a call queue.

You can use teams in conjunction with skills and routing rules to specify how your customer engagements are routed to associates. For example, you might want to create teams of users that can service different customer languages, or you might want separate teams for separate product lines.

Combined with skills and routing rules, you can ensure that associates with the right skills respond to the appropriate engagements, and minimize engagement times and customer frustration.

You can:
  • Enable the Shared Queue feature to route incoming engagements to all associates in the team. Agents can view the total number of calls in a queue, regardless of whether Shared Queues is enabled for the team.
  • Set the maximum wait time for a customer in a call queue
  • Set the time for a routed engagement to be re-routed
  • Limit the number of customers who can wait in a queue
  • Enable callbacks