The Live Experience REST API Overview

Learn how to establish a secure API connection with Oracle Live Experience, and discover all the programmatic tasks you can complete using a REST API client.

Obtaining a secure API connection is required before you can successfully make any Live Experience API calls. You should already be familiar with the concept of using REST APIs.

You need a REST API client. You can use any client you like. If you choose to access Live Experience REST operations in code (such as Java, Python, PHP, etc.), the translation should be straightforward if you are familiar with process.

The Oracle Live Experience REST API Reference describes the details of each API operation.

The Live Experience REST API allows you to perform the following actions:
  • Create tenant applications (using the application endpoint)
  • Audit events (using the audit endpoint)
  • Obtain an authentication token, necessary before doing any other REST API calls (using the auth endpoint)
  • Retrieve or delete engagements (using the engagements endpoint)
  • Retrieve, modify, create, and delete engagement scenarios (using the engagement-scenarios endpoint)
  • Perform certain integration steps for adding Live Experience to Service Cloud (using the integration endpoint)
  • Create a meeting and retrieve a meeting (using the meetings endpoint)
  • Retrieve metrics (using the metrics endpoint)
  • Perform certain integration steps for configuring SAML authentication (using the saml endpoint)
  • Retrieve, modify, create, and delete users (using the users endpoint)

As a Live Experience distribution partner, you can use the REST API to handle the following additional tasks:

  • Create, modify, and delete your tenants (using the dp endpoint)