Knowledge Base/Visual SML/Visual SML Documentation

Embed (Create a microsite using VSML)

Embed - Click on the Embed button to get the embed code to use on your website.

  • Click on Embed
  • Copy the code to your clipboard
  • Go to your microsite and find the HTML page to which you want to embed your VSML creation and paste it where you want
  • Refresh to see the tab on the page.


How to set up your Embed code

  • Now that you've pasted it onto your HTML page, you can edit the following Parameters
    • Width - By default it will automatically resize to fit in the browser window. If you have a specific size restriction you can change the width from "100%" to whatever pixel width you require for your site.
    • Height - Default is 1000px, adjust to the height you require for your site. VSML_Embed_.png